before you read

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hello, i am back with another komahina story! i just wanted to clarify a few things before i start writing.

this komahina book (as opposed to "who i am") is an enemies to lovers trope so there will be banter between the two obviously. the book itself is written in a university au, after graduating from hope's peak academy. the main two are roommates.

there will be other ships mentioned and past relationships will also be brought up. the characters could be ooc but i will try my best to keep them in character. this doesn't follow what happens in the games or anime.

now, the institution's name will be "sky university"  because i am not creative. most of the recently graduated hope's peak students (in general, not just class 77) decide to study here because of the institution's understanding of their talents. i am a high school student, i don't exactly know much of the university experience therefore i will try not to write much about the classes specifically.

the main characters and their majors;

hajime hinata — majoring in law. hajime has no idea what to do with his life, he'll most likely switch majors honestly. also works as a barista.

kazuichi souda — majoring in automotive technology. although not necessarily needing the extra training, kazuichi decided to apply to university anyway. still works at his shop, and he is still hajime's best friend in this story.

fuyuhiko kuzuryuu — not in university. still in his gang, though it is never mentioned what he does.

chiaki nanami — majoring in game production management, just because she wants to study though she doesn't really need to since she happens to be a streamer.

peko pekoyama — not in university. never mentioned what she does but she is always with fuyuhiko.

sonia nevermind — majoring in criminal psychology. sonia obviously enjoys this topic so why not make her study it? completely ignoring the fact that she is a princess to be honest.

nagito komaeda — majoring in literature. i believe it was said that nagito enjoys reading, so why not?

other characters will be mentioned.

and in case you are new to my account,
1. i write for fun. im not the best at it and i literally have dyslexia so i apologize if there is any errors.
2. i take very long to update. usually im not inspired to write, and sometimes school leaves me very drained.

that is all, thanks for reading this and i will hopefully begin to update soon!

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