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third person pov

"so, he found out you were just playing nice... and then what?" kazuichi asks, grinning from ear to ear. "he was being a dick to you, why? to give you a taste of your own medicine?"

"i guess." hajime shrugs.

"thats hilarious, dude." kazuichi giggles, "i love drama. then, what? a dramatic confession?! a kiss?!"

"i'll beat your ass."

"you wish." he cackles, slapping his knee. "no really, you guys are real dramatic. its entertaining. you guys ever gonna kiss?"

"no, what? its not like that." hajime grumbles, gaze averted. "we're being friendly again. but he said something weird the other day, i'm still trying to figure out what he meant."

"ooh, what?"

"he said that what he wants, he can't have. what does that mean? what does he want?" hajime scrunches up his face. "i mean, i offered a truce but he seems to want something else."

"oh my god." kazuichi mumbles, hand over mouth. "you're joking right? you're— you can't be that dumb."

"what the hell?" hajime glares, slapping him with a cushion. "what? what is it?"

kazuichi sighs. "you've never been too emotionally intelligent, huh?" he shakes his head dramatically in disappointment.

"what does it mean? kazuichi stop laughing."


"and have you apologized?" sonia's sweet voice asks from behind nagito as she brushes his hair.

"no." he mutters.

she purposefully tugs harder, eyes narrowed. she ignores his soft 'ow'. "how do you expect to earn his friendship if—"

"if i haven't apologized. yeah i know, sonia. apologizing is hard! and hajime makes me all nervous." he sighs, crossing his arms. "stop pulling my hair, im gonna start balding."

she giggles, brushing gently. "you'd look horrible bald."

"wha— sonia!"

"anywho, perhaps you should apologize over something you both enjoy!" she carries on, putting his hair into two pig tails. she grins mischievously.

"well, we always have movie nights. maybe then?" he asks, oblivious to whatever she's doing to his hair. all he hears are hushed giggles. "sonia?"

"hmm? oh yes, thats a good idea!" she nods, although he can't see. "on one of your movie nights, but it must be different. a meaningful gesture to show you're sincere."

"and how do i do that? what should i do?"

"you'll have to figure it out, nagito. be kind to him, hajime is lovely." sonia hums, moving away from her masterpiece.

"you think that until you live with him." nagito grumbles, earning a smack to the back of the head. "ow! im kidding, he's... hajime."

sonia shakes her head in disapproval. "be kind! and honest, he'll appreciate it. oh, and make him food! food heals everything. akane told me that."

she moves around the couch to sit next to him, noticinf his troubled gaze. "nagito?"


"he'll forgive you. he's more understanding than you think." she assures, a soft smile gracing her features.

"its not that." he sighs, shutting his eyes as he leans back against the couch. "i really like him."

"yes, i know. i'm pretty sure everyone does."

"he doesn't."

"hajime is... how do i say this..." she pauses, "not good with feelings. be patient with him, as well. despite everything, i do think he likes you. even if he can't admit it to himself."

besties chapter because im soft for them

—besties chapter because im soft for them

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hey guys what the fuck
[not proofread]

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