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third person pov

so... maybe nagito's idea wasn't the brightest. in his defense, hajime doesn't exactly communicate properly either. but really, having fuyuhiko of all people call you out?

not nagito's proudest moment.

"uh, can you—" hajime begins, before clearing his throat. "i need the rag over there." he points at where it sits, next to nagito's hand.

nagito barely looks at him as he passes it over. he's a bit... embarrassed. being a dick to hajime has proven to be difficult. he definitely feels bad, so he's unsure of how to approach the situation now.

"thanks." the brunette mumbles, wiping down the stove. rather aggressively, he thinks.

hajime feels the awkwardness between them. he figures, maybe nagito was just having a bad day? perhaps a bad week? surely that's it.

"do you want takeout?" hajime tries again, eyeing him cautiously. he's not the best at emotions. he knows this. kazuichi has told him on numerous occasions. but, maybe he can try.

nagito gulps, his throat feeling dry. "no, no. i'm good." he mutters out, glancing at the brunette before looking away quickly.

another long silence.

hajime sighs. "shit," he rubs his hands on his face, almost pained as he speaks. "are you okay?"


here we go. heart to heart, or something. "are you... alright? you seem off." he asks again, eyes anywhere but on nagito. "i don't like to pry. but you're just— shit. i don't know. forget it."

hajime tries to move out of the kitchen, but nagito blocks his way. the brunette looks at him, eyebrows furrowed.

"i don't want you to be nice to me." nagito mutters, eyes downcast. hajime's face contorts into one of utter confusion.

before hajime replies, nagito continues. "i don't want you to be nice to me just because naegi tells you to." he clarifies, looking at the brunette.

"i want you to be nice to me because... well, you know." nagito shrugs, gulping. "because you like me."

hajime doesn't know how to respond. he opens his mouth, shutting it just as fast. he blinks, suddenly feeling ice cold.

"i know you don't," at hajime's silence, nagito continues. "you hate me, and that's fine. i get it. but you can't just pretend to be nice. pretend to like me."

more silence from hajime.

nagito's almost afraid he said something wrong. hajime's expression is hard to read, his eyebrows furrowed as usual. he looks confused, maybe a bit frustrated.

"you knew?" is all he responds with.

"i'm not dumb, hajime." nagito almost sounds exasperated. "just— let's go back to the ways things were. let's stay out of each other's way." nagito offers a weak smile.

hajime's breathing picks up. "what? no. why would you— i don't want to do that." he says, eyes moving all over nagito's face. they linger for a bit, on his lips, before snapping elsewhere.

"i just don't want you pretending around me. so, like i said, lets go back." nagito tries to sound casual. "go back to insulting my food, go back to yelling at me to turn down the tv." he shrugs, but hajime notices his pained expression.

"i don't want that, nagito!" hajime's voice raises slightly. "i don't hate you."

"but you should—"

"just shut up and listen. i... yeah, i pretended. i figured it'd listen to makoto. but, i found myself liking it... you. i mean— our dynamic." he explains quickly, sighing in frustration. why was it so hard to explain?

"i don't want to be the asshole roommate. i want—" he cuts himself off, looking into nagito's eyes. he averts his gaze quickly, panicking.

"i want to be your friend."

"friend?" nagito mumbles, gaze shifting downward.

"yeah— yes." hajime nods.

"i haven't even apologized to you." nagito shakes his head. "i don't deserve to be your friend. i don't want it."

"to be friends?" hajime asks, eyes softening.

"what i want—" nagito sighs, eyes shutting. "i can't have." to anyone else, nagito would look annoyed. but hajime can tell, he's upset.


"i'll be your friend, hinata. i don't deserve it, but i'll earn it."

hajime chooses not to ask what it is that nagito so desperately wants.

woah! its been a hot minute! yeah this chapter is dramatic for no reason. mind ur business, i was listening to sad songs.
[not proofread]

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