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third person pov

"you're really not gonna tell me how your date went?" is the first thing thats said in the morning. nagito waits for a response as he makes breakfast, but it never comes. "what, are you ignoring me now?" he asks with a confused chuckle.

"im not interested in speaking to you." is all hajime responds with, book in one hand, fork in the other. "your eggs are salty." his eyes never leaving his book.

"ah here comes the food critic. why don't you try cooking then?"

there's silence after that. all that is heard is the sizzling of the pan, and then a plate being settled down. nagito sits next to hajime with a sigh, leaning over a bit to check what book he reads.

one or two minutes pass of them just eating in silence. until,

"they all die in the end." nagito mumbles, mouth full of food as he side eyes hajime. the brunette narrows his eyes, confused. "in your book. they all die." nagito explains, biting a piece of bacon.

"what the fuck, dude?"


"why'd you spoil it? asshole." hajime seethes, standing up while grabbing his plate, book left on the counter. he rolls up his sleeves before he starts to wash the dishes, mumbling in annoyance.

"jesus hinata, what is up with you? i was just kidding." nagito rolls his eyes, but continues eating. "i've never even read the book, i think."

hajime doesn't reply, beginning to clean the pans in the sink, lost in his thoughts. thinking about the date, how he can never seem to find a guy he actually likes. he was frustrated. although he knew it wasn't a priority, but he did feel lonely.

nagito was the same. both lonely and pensive. all he thought about was about hajime's date. had it gone well? surely not, according to his bad mood.

just as hajime is about to finish the dishes, nagito puts his plate in the sink. the brunette glares at him, all he receives is a sarcastic smile.

nagito leans against the cabinet, looking at hajime attentively. "was your date really that shitty?"

"what?" hajime scoffs, turning to him with a confused yet offended look.

"you're just— being so bitchy. more than usual." nagito shrugs, looking away. "you can tell me about it, you know. i won't judge—"

"oh fuck off."

"seriously, man?" the white haired boy sighs as the brunette walks past him, walking straight towards his bedroom. he's out in a minute or two, bag in hand as he searches through it, probably to make sure he has everything he needs.

"im heading to class." is all hajime says as he grabs a granola bar and tucks it in his pocket. nagito raises a brow, "your next class starts in an hour, though."

"what, you memorized my schedule?" hajime is defensive today, not only pushing nagito away but his thoughts as well. "i like to be punctual." is all he says as he walks out the door.

and although it wasn't a lie, hajime prefers to be early than late, he usually never is. nagito always finds him scrambling around trying to find his keys, or his bag, or his phone.

now alone, nagito sighs. whenever hajime isn't around he feels lonely, even if all they do is argue. although, there are moments in which they can tolerate each other. whenever they watch a movie together, or whenever their favorite show is on they manage to sit next to each other quietly. sometimes, if they're both in a good mood, they'll talk about whatever it is they're watching, discussing the plot or even criticizing characters together.

nagito never did want hajime to hate him, it sorta just happened. nagito knows his teasing went too far back in high school, but he never wanted to hurt the brunette. there was a time where he felt affection towards hajime but he wasn't sure how to express it. he knows its no excuse to tease — to mock hajime for his lack of talents. he has no right to either, his 'talent' only being his luck.

but if you asked him, he felt as though he was unlucky, or even cursed.

u guys can thank the hurricane that hit me for this chapter because the only reason i wrote it was because i was bored and had no signal. [not proof read lols]

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