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third person pov

hajime groans as he steps foot into his apartment, resting on the door after closing it. he sighs in relief when he doesn't see his roommate on the couch, walking over to lay on it.

he stretches a bit and then closes his eyes. a nap couldn't hurt, right? he was exhausted after class, and honestly even his brain hurt, he just wanted to rest for a bit. as he starts to drift to sleep, a cushion hits him straight in the face.

"get up, hinata. you said you were cleaning today." nagito, now standing next to him, looks down at the exhausted man in amusement. hajime groans, now hugging the cushion and turning sideways on the couch in attempts to ignore him.


"you said that yesterday." nagito takes another cushion, throwing it at hajime yet again. "up, up, up! cmon the kitchen is all dirty."

"and you couldn't clean it?" hajime rolls his eyes but starts sitting up. looking up at nagito, he mockingly smiles at him before getting up and walking towards the kitchen. "nope, we made a deal." he hears nagito say from the living room, making him roll his eyes again.

"alright so what'd you make for dinner?" he asks as he begins to wipe the counter slowly due to the fact that he was still exhausted and a bit sleepy.

"there's leftovers in the fridge." nagito hums as he turns on the tv, hugging a cushion as his favorite show was on. coincidentally, it was also hajime's favorite.

"leftovers of your dry-ass chicken?! fuck no, im ordering food." he huffs as he grabs his phone. "ooh, can we get sushi?" nagito asks, now suddenly interested in what hajime's doing.

"we aren't getting anything. its for me." hajime replies while typing away on his phone. he hears shuffling and next thing he knows, nagito is in front of him with a pout. "cmon, hinata please?"

"fuck no. eat your chicken or starve."

"you're an asshole. you know that?"


eventually, hajime was informed that his food arrived at the lobby, so he went to pick it up. thanking the person who delivered the food, he went back upstairs. opening the door with a sigh, he called over his roommate.

"komaeda, the foods here."

"wha- you ordered something for me?"

"yes. i pitied you, your chicken is disgusting so out of the kindness of my heart-" he cut himself off as he noticed nagito's grin. rolling his eyes, he set the food on the counter. "well, aren't you gonna say thank you?"

"thank you, hajime."

"ew, no. we're not friends."

a smile set on nagito's face, he did enjoy teasing his roommate. after that, the two ate in silence. hajime sometimes checking his phone for messages from kazuichi and fuyuhiko while nagito's mind dozed off elsewhere.

eventually hajime got up, heading towards the kitchen to throw away the now empty takeout box. he groans as he takes notice to the sink full of dirty dishes.

"komaeda, why haven't you washed the damn dishes?" he raises his voice slightly, though it wasn't necessary as nagito was now behind him. as hajime turns around, he's startled. "ah- what the fuck. don't do that."

"i was waiting for you to clean, obviously. if you don't clean the apartment then i won't do the dishes." he replies with a simple shrug, throwing out his own box.


hi sorry 4 not updating. school is starting real soon but hopefully i can continue to update

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