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third person pov

"aren't you supposed to greet me?" nagito tilts his head at the barista, a grin on his face. hajime rolls his eyes in response and turns back to makoto.

"sorry i have to— y'know. work." hajime mumbles but offers makoto an apologetic smile. the shorter male grins back at him and waves a hand dismissively.

"all good, see you around." makoto leaves the shop with that. hajime turns back to nagito with an annoyed look.

"what do you want?" he grumbles. nagito pouts exaggeratedly.

"hey, im a paying customer. what's with the attitude?"

"are you gonna order something?" hajime grits.

"nah." nagito grins back. but before hajime can tell him off, he offers a bento box. "you left your lunch."

hajime eyes him suspiciously. "you came all the way here to bring me my lunch?" surely, there was something else. perhaps nagito is here to terrorize him.

"yup." is all the white-haired boy responds with, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. "i'll wait."

"for what?" hajime scoffs, taking the box.

"for your thanks," he pauses. "go on."

"you're holding up the line, asshole." hajime glares, but actually feels somewhat touched. nagito, in his own way, was being nice. maybe hajime should try to be nice back?

... nah.

"there's literally no one else in line." nagito rolls his eyes, leaning against the countertop. "sooo?" he's a bit too close to hajime now, head tilted to the side. his eyes scan over hajime's face, taking in his scowl and his furrowed brows.

hajime's face grows red. he swears it's because of frustration. but to anyone else, it definitely looks like he's blushing. nagito's grin only widens.

"thanks. now go away." the brunette grits.

"pardon? what was that?" nagito doesn't falter once, gaze trailing from hajime's eyes to his lips for a moment. "couldn't hear you."

"go fuck yourself."

"aww... hinata! you don't talk to your other customers like this, right?" nagito finally leans away, arms crossed as he shakes his head in mock disappointment. "not cool, hinata."

"you're not even a customer."

"but i brought you lunch!"


as soon as hajime's shift ends, he returns home. after kicking off his shoes, he practically face plants onto the couch.

"oh dear— i think hajime died!" he hears a sweet voice exclaim. opening one eye, he sees a familiar blonde staring down at him in concern.

"hi sonia." he grumbles, closing his eye again. sonia hums, and waves her hands dismissively. "he's alive!" she yells again, then lowers her tone. "are you alright, hajime?"


"nagito and i made food, would you like some?" she offers, patting his spiky hair gently. he nods into the cushions. at his confirmation, she skips over to the kitchen to make him a plate.

hajime wonders if she's an angel.

but then, of course...

"you can't eat on the couch." nagito's voice is heard in the living room. hajime lets out an annoyed groan.

"will you be quiet?"

"no." despite this, nagito drops it and moves over to the kitchen, next to sonia. with a soft 'be nice to him,' sonia sets a full plate in front of the brunette on the couch.

"sonia, i truly don't understand how you're friends with komaeda. you're an angel." he mumbles, sitting up.

"whaaat? you don't think i'm an angel, ha-ji-me~?" nagito asks from the kitchen as he wipes down the counter. the brunette doesn't respond, simply eating his food.

i call this: sonia nevermind is my babygirl. anyways uhhh i didn't know how to end this chapter i lowkey gave up. thats why its short k bye
[not proofread]

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