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third person pov

hajime is pretty sure his eye is twitching.

what on earth is going on? one day, nagito is all nice, asking hajime to stay with him while he studies. and the next?

"why the hell haven't you done the dishes?" nagito grumbles as he walks past the brunette.

hajime blinks. okay, what the fuck. hajime desperately wants to ask, but he feels as though it'll be pointless.

and here he thought they'd finally get along. guess not.

"well i was about to." he responds, but to no avail. nagito walked— or stormed— out of the room.

sometimes hajime feels like he's insane.

probably not, though, right? i mean, maybe nagito is just in a mood, or something. hajime tries to shake off the fact that his feelings were slightly hurt.

sure, bitter nagito is very new to him. but he can manage. after all, hajime is the most bitter man he knows.

so he eventually gets up to do the dishes, and when he does his thoughts begin to spiral. i mean, what gives nagito the right to act all pissy towards him? its not like hajime bullied him in high school. matter of fact— nagito should feel blessed that hajime was being kind. he almost forgave him too! and now nagito is being pissy?

"what an ass." hajime murmurs to himself, with a scowl.

nagito, now sat in his bed, is in deep thought. for whatever reason, he decided to be a dick to hajime. but it doesn't really feel good. in fact, he's wondering how on earth hajime is so bitter constantly. sure, back in high school nagito wasn't the kindest. looking back at it now, he feels embarrassed and definitely ashamed.

its not a fun feeling.

nagito understands that no matter his reasons, essentially bullying hajime wasn't okay. not that he had good reasons, i mean, projecting your insecurities? really? all because, in the end, they're both talentless.

so nagito happens to be lucky. luck isn't a talent, he knows.

in the end, hajime and nagito are more alike than they think.

"you could cut through this tension with a knife."

nagito jumps, looking up. expecting a certain princess, instead he finds a different blond. "fuyuhiko?"

said boy nods, as if greeting him. he steps into his room. "what the fuck happened? i came over to pick something up and hajime is grumbling to himself like some kind of weirdo."

nagito pauses.

"and then you're over here sulking like a kicked puppy. what, did you piss him off or something?" he gives an amused grin. nagito blinks.

"don't i always?"

"that you do." he snickers, but then abruptly stops. "no seriously, what the fuck? your little rivalry— or whatever it is— is annoying as shit." he speaks honestly, but in his normal irritated tone. fuyuhiko doesn't like admitting that he's friends with nagito, but he still cares for him.

and so nagito tells him everything. including his current stupid plan to be a complete dick to hajime.

"thats the stupidest thing i've ever heard." fuyuhiko grumbles. "and i live with kazuichi."

"okay well—"

"well nothing. you two have to talk like adults." he grunts, clearly annoyed. "honestly! he's bitter as shit, you're annoying as fuck. you know what you two should do?"


"just kiss and makeup at this point!"

nagito shushes him, exasperated. fuyuhiko narrows his eyes. "don't fuckin' shush me, bitch."

"will you be quiet? the walls are thin!" nagito whisper shouts, embarrassed.

"i really don't care. get a grip honestly." fuyuhiko rolls his eyes, moving away. "grow up, be adults, communicate."

"wow, dude, you really grew up. i mean, not physically... because you're still sh— OW!"

. . .

as a red faced fuyuhiko is walking towards the door, he stops abruptly to look over at a sulking hajime.

"you're equally as annoying, by the way. grow up and communicate!" he practically yells, storming out of the apartment.

hajime sits on the couch, bewildered.

finals season (screaming in the distance) check up on ur uni friends.
[not proof read idek what this is. random fuyu appearance because who doesn't love him]

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