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third person pov

as hajime walks, he starts to think. he's tried to block out certain thoughts by listening to music but it doesn't work. he sighs as he sits down on a bench, his class won't start for another 45 minutes and he has no clue what to do. maybe he shouldn't have left home, but nagito was being irritating.

he begins to doze off, now sitting. thinking about how there are certain moments in which he can tolerate nagito, so why not all the time? its quite simple, nagito provokes him. hajime can stand light teasing, he enjoys it with kazuichi or fuyuhiko— even with chiaki. but nagito doesn't tease, he provokes. and it angers hajime.

he thinks back to those moments in which he actually enjoys nagitos presence. during a movie night, once. nagito and hajime were both on the couch, watching the movie mostly in silence. that is, until...

"the main character reminds me of you." nagito speaks, casually. hajime blinks, analyzing what he said. the main character wasn't afraid to speak his mind, short-tempered at times but mostly logical. so, was this a compliment or an insult?

"the second main reminds me of you, too." is hajime's response, because its true. he's been thinking about it. the second lead seems polite and kind, but there is something more to them. they enjoy banter and, at times, like to stir up drama. not to mention their interesting beliefs.

the story was a cliché. in which the two leads would probably end up together despite their differences. the first finds the second annoying at times, yet refuses to leave their side. the second lead prefers the first's company over anyone else, though they wont admit it.

both deep in thought, they say nothing else. simply keeping their eyes on the tv screen until the movie comes to an end. and when it does, nagito is the first to leave.

"goodnight, hinata." and its the first time —in hajime's opinion— that nagito says his last name softly, not mockingly.

"g'night, nagito." because he forgets that they aren't friends. nagito doesn't comment on it, already half way to his room.

so why can't they always be like that?

hajime thinks its stupid to be upset over something like this. he also thinks the reason he hates nagito is foolish. he shakes off the thought, and stands up. as he's walking to class again, he gets a text message.

naegi makoto


he lives??
does this chapter even make sense idek. i forgot my main idea for this story so i said fuck it we ball. bye
[not proof read]

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