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third person pov

hajime sits across from makoto, awkwardly tapping on his cup. he attempts to make eye contact, only to find makoto's eyes already on his. he tries to maintain the eye contact, but a few seconds later he looks away.

makoto wears a smile on his face, finding his awkwardness amusing. makoto is also quite a nervous person, he's just putting on a brave face because he likes hinata.

"how have you been?" hajime finally asks, regretting his question immediately. he saw makoto recently, what was the point of asking? nevertheless, the shorter male answers.

"pretty good! kinda stressed, though." this piques hajime's interest. he wouldn't say he's nosy, he just desperately needs a conversation topic.

"why's that?"

"just this internship, i took it because of the experience but it's honestly terrible. my boss is so mean!" makoto huffs out.

"which internship is it?" hajime listens attentively.

"ah, the future foundation one." he responds, and takes a sip of his drink. "but anyway, how are you? gone on any other dates?" he asks, with a wink. hajime knows he's joking, so he scoffs in amusement.

"as if."

"good to know im your one true love." makoto jokes, hajime laughing along with him.

they stay at the cafe for another hour, hajime finds that makoto's presence is quite comforting. he's easy to talk to. the hangout ends all too soon after makoto apologizes, saying he has a class soon. they bid each other goodbye, and hajime is left alone with his thoughts yet again.

as he walks back home, he thinks mainly of nagito anf their dynamic. why is nagito's goal to provoke hajime? what does he get out of it? perhaps he just dislike hajime, despite choosing to live with him.

truth be told, nagito can infuriate anyone. but his number one target has, and always will be, hajime hinata. at least, hajime thinks. he thinks that must be it, nagito hates him and loves pushing his buttons more than anyone else.
its either that or... nope that has to be it. unless, perhaps..

hajime overreacts.

if you ask nagito, he'll say that hajime often overreacts. nagito swears he doesn't hate hajime. sure, he likes teasing people but he doesn't treat hajime different. or so he thinks.

"hey, dinner is on the stove if you're hungry." nagito greets hajime. he sits on the couch, a book on his lap and papers scattered around the coffee table.

hajime glances at him, mutters "okay." and walks off into his room, quietly closing the door. he sits on his bed contemplating. at times, hajime feels like he cant get rid of nagito, despite choosing to live with him.

and other times, the two can get along. although rarely, but it happens.

"someone's in a good mood." nagito says, as he waves at his roommate who had just entered their shared apartment.

hajime's smile doesn't falter, surprisingly. he nods, getting closer. "what are you making? smells good." he asks, setting down his keys on the counter.

"does it? im trying out a new recipe" which is code for, 'i might burn down the kitchen.'

"okay.. want help?" hajime offers, because he is fairly certain nagito might cause a fire. or create a potion instead of dinner.

this catches nagito by surprise, but he nods. "well aren't you sweet today, ha-ji-me?" he teases, handing the brunette a tomato.

"don't ruin it." hajime responds, but his tone isn't cold or reprimanding. in fact, he even smiles as he says it.

yes, the two can definitely get along.

i have decided to post this despite
wanting to write more, goodbye
[not proof read we die like men]

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