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third person pov

"hey komaeda?" hajime yells over at his roommate, head slightly peaking out of his door. nagito responds with a drawn out 'what' in annoyance. when hajime says nothing, nagito groans and yells louder. "what the hell do you want?!"

with a more dramatic sigh, nagito gets up from the couch and stomps his way to hajime's room. standing in front of his door, he rolls his eyes as he sees hajime peaking out with a sarcastic smile.


"turn down the volume of the tv—"

"oh here we go." nagito scoffs as he begins walking away, completely ignoring hajime's words.

"— im trying to study, man. do you know how hard this shit is?"

"i don't give a fuck." nagito yells back as he sits on the couch yet again, instead turning up the volume. after a few minutes, hajime appears in the living room, hair a mess wearing a hoodie and sweatpants.

"wow, you look like shit." nagito smiles up at him, then returning his gaze towards the tv.

"yeah, i know. just turn down the tv."

"you should take a break, hinata. seriously you have bags under your eyes. you're like a cough away from death." nagito exaggerates, eyes still glued to the tv. without him realizing, hajime had already walked back towards his room to continue studying.

time passes and nagito finishes his movie. he stretches, getting up from the couch with tired eyes. looking towards the hallway, he notices hajime's door is still closed but the light is peaking out at the bottom meaning he's still busy. and with a somewhat annoyed sigh, he unlocks his phone to text his roommate.

are u dead in there


u hungry?

no i told u im busy


hajime doesn't reply after that, shutting his phone and placing it on his desk. he's frustrated, clearly. he's been studying for hours and is still having trouble grasping the material. he continues to read, taking notes and scribbling on his notebook. his computer is also on, playing the previous lectures that discussed this material.

minutes pass, and hajime hears a knock on his door. he groans, standing up whilst muttering under his breath. he's met face to face with his roommate, obviously. he sighs.

"what?" hajime asks, but gets no reply. nagito simply hands him a cup of orange juice and a container that seems to have food in it. hajime raises his eyebrows in confusion, yet taking them in his hands.

"you can't pay rent if you die in there." nagito grins. "aren't you gonna say thank you?"

"hmmm. yeah, thanks, nagito."

"ew no, we're not friends." he mimics, in a high pitched voice while walking towards his room.

"i don't sound like that."

im going to be honest, i forgot wattpad existed.
i also forgot how to write properly i apologize.
[not proof read]

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