409 11 23

third person pov

"hinata." nagito's voice booms from behind the door. "HINATA." loud enough for hajime to jolt awake. nagito doesn't hear a reply, so he bangs on the door. "hinataaaa."

"what the hell do you want?" hajime groggily mutters, face mushed against his pillow. his eyes remained closed because as soon as nagito leaves he's going right back to sleep.

"you're late."

"late for what? it's saturday, asshole." hajime grumbles, getting comfortable yet again. he sighs, almost falling back into sleep.

"for your job!" shit. hajime scrambles out of bed still half asleep, and rushes to the bathroom, attempting to get ready. he's panicking, his first day back at his job and he's late. typical.

nagito watches as hajime scrambles between his room, the bathroom, his room again. and one last time to the bathroom because he forgot to brush his teeth. hajime walks — or jumps? — towards the front door, as he puts his shoe on with one hand, the other smoothing out his hair.

"you beat your record, hinata." nagito grins, but doesn't get another word out as hajime runs past him and out the door. nagito sighs, as he sees the brunette almost trip on his way out. truly, could he even survive without nagito?

probably not.

as soon as hajime arrives a work, he realizes he forgot to bring lunch. which shouldn't be an issue because it's not a long shift, but he hasn't even had breakfast. he doesn't feel like buying an overpriced muffin at the coffee shop. he brushes it off and starts to greet customers as they start walking in, he takes their order and then prepares it. it's a slow morning today, luckily.

after a while, there are a few students scattered around the shop, most studying, others gossiping. hajime hears it all, the typing on the computer, the hushed whispers, and the quiet laughs. he hears the front door's bell jingle. without looking up, he greets.

"welcome to-" he sighs before muttering the shop's name. "steamy beans. how can i help you?"

when he looks back up, he's pleasantly surprised. "naegi. hi."

"steamy beans, huh?" makoto giggles, now standing in front of the cash register. he's dressed in a white button-up, his tie loose around his neck. he holds his vest in his hands. and... did he get a haircut?

"its not like i named it..." hajime mumbles, embarrassed. "what can i get for you?"

"your number, perhaps?" makoto winks, exaggeratedly. when hajime huffs in response, makoto chuckles. "nah, just a slice of lemon cake."

"for here or to go?" hajime asks as he inputs it into the cash register.

"i'll likely inhale it in 10 seconds, so i guess for here?"

hajime simply hums in response and rings him up. makoto hands him the money with a wink, causing the taller male to raise a brow in confusion. he looks down at the cash and realizes.

"let me get your change."

"its a tip." makoto clarifies. "since you're working so hard."

"im not..." hajime mumbles but nods. "thank you." with that, he moves to grab a slice of lemon cake and place it on a plate. "here." he says, handing makoto his slice.

hajime observes makoto for longer than necessary, wondering why he's dressed so nicely. his eyes shift to his loose tie, then back up at his hair. "did you... get a haircut?"

"ah, so you noticed." makoto smiles, fixing his hair on the back of his head out of habit. "does it look good?" he asks with a nervous laugh. hajime's a bit confused. how does he look so different now? did he suddenly hit puberty? that's not possible.

at hajime's silence, makoto frowns. "is it really that bad?"

"huh? no— no. you look great. i'm just... are you taller now?" there was obvious confusion in his tone, his eyebrows furrowed. makoto thinks he looks funny.

"no...?" makoto responds with a hushed laugh. "probably just the shoes but uh... are you checking me out?" he teases, with a big smile. hajime reacts almost immediately, eyes widening.

"you wish." he responds, when he composes himself. "just looking. were you on a date or something?"


makoto's response is cut off by the sound of bells jingling. they both turn to look towards the door, fully expecting any other customer.

not nagito komaeda. hajime lets out an annoyed huff.

out of all the coffee shops...

i recently started uni [shocked emoji]
[not proof read]

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