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third person pov

"hey hinata. foods on the stove," nagito cuts himself off at the sight of his roommate, raising a brow in confusion. "what are you dressed up for?"

"got a date." hajime replies vaguely, uninterested in having any conversation with him. he makes his way towards the front door, grabbing his keys from the counter.

"wait what?" nagito scoffs in disbelief, setting down his book on the coffee table. he turns his body towards hajime while still sitting on the couch. "you got a date?"

"yes?" hajime stares back at him, one hand on the door handle. for once, he wasn't wearing a hoodie but a white button up shirt with some nice black pants. they stare at each other for a while, until hajime grimaces and turns away. opening the door, he hears nagito speak up again.

"who would ever go on a date with you?" he asks in genuine confusion, although perhaps mocking hajime a bit. he smirks as hajime's face shifts into confusion, then one of anger.

"what the hell? plenty of people, asshole."

"doubtful." nagito replies, turning back to his book.

"just cause you have shit taste in men doesn't mean everyone else does." as hajime speaks, nagito scoffs yet again. he shows a mocking smile as his fingers ghost over the book pages, he refuses to look over as he speaks.

"then who? you still haven't told me, unless you're lying and you're as lonely as i think you are."

"its a blind date."

"ahhh. makes sense. i knew no one would actually want to go on a date with you." nagito sighs in faux pity, leaning back against the couch to continue his book. hajime grits his teeth, muttering under his breath all kinds of things. "but hey at least you don't look terrible."

"-such an asshole."

is all nagito hears before a slam of the front door. he jumps a bit, not expecting to have actually angered his roommate that much. "huh." is all he utters, holding his book a little tighter.

meanwhile, hajime walks down the hallway, on his way to the agreed spot. he's dialing kazuichi as he walks, and when he answers hajime sighs.

"are you sure i should go?"

"do not tell me you're chickening out now, he's literally waiting for you."

"and im sure he's great but are you sure he would like me?" hajime was always pretty insecure, wether it was about not having a talent or just about himself in general. his self-esteem was pretty deteriorated, though his friends always tried to make him feel better about himself it didn't really work. try having talented people, that are better than you, tell you you're fine just the way you are.

"is this about-" kazuichi is immediately cut off.

"no. im just saying, i don't even know the guy." hajime speaks almost too fast. "thats like, the whole point of a blind date, stupid." kazuichi replies before sighing.

"alright whatever, i'll go." and he does. he ends up standing in front of the restaurant, trying to calm his nerves. he keeps telling himself it's just a date, he shouldn't be intimidated, it'll be fine.

alright hi, sorry for the wait. past few weeks have been hella stressful. i wanted to point out that this book might be more mature than the other ones. i haven't written smut in a while, so i won't but there will be mentions of sex and stuff, so just a warning.

important: someone please give me an idea as to who hajime is going on a date with because my brain is tired. i want to make it a character in the franchise but if no one responds, i'll make a new character i guess.

[not proof read sorry for the long authors note.]

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