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third person pov

tense. the environment is so very tense and odd. at least, it is for hajime. after the previous conversation, things have sort of changed. i mean, the routine is the same. hajime cleans, nagito cleans. but their usual movie nights aren't a thing anymore. nagito checks up on hajime, still, but it's much more awkward.

hajime hates it.

its like the universe doesn't want them to be friends. there's always something complicating it. and he's trying, he really is!

hajime walks into the living room, noticing his white haired roommate on the couch. nagito's hair is ruffled — though isn't it always? — his glasses resting on his face. his eyes are squinted at his computer, as he mutters something below his breath. hajime notices a familiar piece of clothing, more specifically his hoodie.

he doesn't comment on it.

"homework?" hajime asks, trying to initiate conversation. he moves towards the couch, almost shuffling awkwardly.

nagito cranes his neck up, eyes refocusing on the brunette briefly before he looks back down at his work. "yeah." is all he replies with, as he continues typing away.

yikes. is all hajime thinks. he moves to sit near nagito, though not directly next to him. "y'know there's this new movie out."

"hm?" nagito hums in response, eyes never leaving his computer. hajime tries to fight back a scowl.

"i hear its really good. its on netflix." he continues, playing with the strings of his sweatshirt.

"thats nice, hinata." nagito mutters. "maybe naegi will watch it with you."

hajime's eyes narrow. okay, nagito isn't making this easy. what happened to 'earning his friendship'? hajime lets out a loud and obvious sigh. "right, maybe." he pauses, observing nagito. "or..."


"or we could watch it." hajime shrugs. "y'know, if you want to."

nagito finally looks up from his computer, looking right into hajime's eyes. "oh." he gulps.


"i'll make hot chocolate." nagito responds, shutting his laptop. hajime bites back a smile as his roommate walks past him.

when he returns, he has only one mug in his hands. hajime raises a brow. nagito hands him the mug, explaining. "we ran out, someone didn't go grocery shopping."

the way he says it, you'd think he's talking about hajime. but he's not, because thats not hajime's job. "well someone isn't very good at their job." hajime shakes his head, blowing on the hot chocolate.

"hey. rude." nagito scoffs. "i gave you the last of it didn't i?"

hajime rolls his eyes, though he's definitely content. he missed these moments. "here, we can share." he offers the mug with a gentle gesture.

"no, i'm g—"

"take the damn mug, komaeda."

"bossy." nagito hisses under his breath, but complies.

while nagito is mid-sip, hajime sputters out a question. "what did you mean the other day?" he mutters. "what you want, you can't have?"

nagito lowers the mug, wiping his upper lip. "uh, y'know." he makes a vague gesture.

hajime almost glares at him. "huh? what does— what is that?" hajime mimics his gesture, clearly confused.

"well, you know— never-mind. geez, hinata, why are you prying?" nagito shakes his head. "not cool, hinata."


nagito pauses, eyeing him cautiously. "hinata?"

"call me hajime." he rolls his eyes, "and give me my hot chocolate back."

"wha— i thought we were sharing! hajime!"

who knows atp. short chapter i'll
probably update soon lols
[not proofread]

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