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third person pov

"and then what?" makoto speaks into his phone, seemingly very interested in the conversation.

"um, he offered some hot chocolate?" hajime responds. he hears makoto gasp, so he rolls his eyes. "it's not a big deal."

"hajime, i told you it would work!"

"will you calm down? it was just a movie—" he gets cut off.

"a symbol of peace!" makoto interjects, grinning from ear to ear. "you two are definitely friends now!"

"i don't want to be his friend. i'm just being civil." hajime grumbles, one hand fixing his spiky hair while the other holds the phone to his ear. "but sure, yeah. symbol of peace."

"they grow up so fast—"

"oh my god, makoto. you're like, a year older than me." hajime groans.

"yeah, and? you know, you should be using honorifics."

"don't start." hajime rolls his eyes, a smile on his lips. "anyway, bye. i got class now."

"okay fine, but keep me updated." makoto demands, "and, do you have an umbrella with you? it's gonna rain today."

"i do not. bye, mom."

while in class, hajime tries his best to pay attention. but it seems like the professor decided to discuss the world's most boring topic today, and his monotone voice isn't exactly helping. hajime's attention drifts as his eyes flicker around the room. there's people on their phones, others completely dozed. few pay attention, taking notes and making eye contact with the professor.

then, his phone buzzes.

komaeda (roommate)
psst hinata


komaeda (roommate)
what do u want for dinner

oh uh

komaeda (roommate)

sure yeah

komaeda (roommate)

with that, he puts down his phone. since when does nagito ask him what he wants for dinner? he shakes off the thought, trying his best to focus. but he can omly think of one thing.

naegi makoto is a genius.

back at home, hajime is greeted by a smiling nagito. he ushers him to come inside quickly and taste the food. so hajime takes off his shoes and quickly takes a seat as nagito hands him a plate.

honestly this seems oddly domestic. hajime shakes off the thought and begins eating, seemingly dozed off. nagito peers down at him, as if silently asking if the food is alright. the brunette looks up slowly, and blinks. he then realizes nagito's silent question and offers a thumbs up.

nagito smiles back and starts to walk off into the hallway. hajime tilts his head and speaks up, "you're not gonna eat?" though its a bit muffled, nagito still hears him.

"i already ate, i need to finish some book reports." he replies with a sheepish smile, knowing he's been procrastinating. hajime nods in response and continues his meal.

once done, he washes the dishes. the sound of the water against the sink filling the otherwise quiet room. he stares over at the box of hot chocolate, contemplating.

then, he takes out two mugs and begins to prepare it. internally asking himself why. he even adds mini marshmallows on top. taking one of the mugs, he walks down the hallway silently. he knocks on nagito's door until he hears a hum.

hajime opens the door slightly, peaking his head in. nagito looks up at him from his desk. his hair is in a short pony tail, wearing gray sweatpants and a white sweater. and he's wearing glasses—? hajime fights back a grin. he clears his throat, muttering.

"made you hot chocolate." he says, placing it on nagito's desk. nagito stares at the mug, an eyebrow raised. he looks back up at the brunette who avoids his gaze.

at the silence, hajime begins to speak again. "i wasn't sure if you preferred coffee or something else, so..." he trails off, now a bit embarrassed since nagito just stares at him.

then, nagito smiles at him. "thank you."

hajime seems relieved, simply nodding dumbly. "good luck with your— uh..." he gestures to the organized books on his desk. nagito nods back, "book report."


then, silence. hajime stands by the door, wondering if he should leave or not. the room fills with awkwardness— at least for hajime. nagito just stares in amusement at the brunette, head slightly tilted.

"well, i should go. i gotta study for a test," hajime lies through his teeth. nagito hums in response, "good luck."

with that, hajime leaves, closing the door behind him quietly. walking over to his room, he questions what just happened and why on earth he was so awkward to a guy he supposedly hates.

what i do instead of writing my criminology essay (fire emoji) anyways stream ateez crazy form
[not proofread just vibes]

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