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third person pov

"he just started being nice— out of nowhere?" sonia tilts her head, eyes wide with curiosity. "and you do not find that suspicious?" she asks softly.

"of course i do." nagito begins, "it's definitely weird, considering how he is. but—" he shrugs, concentrating on sonia's hair as he braids it. "i can't complain."

she hums before asking, "do you think he forgave you?"

highly unlikely.

nagito blinks, pausing his movements. "i don't think so." he shakes his head, even though sonia can't see him. "haji— hinata holds grudges. plus, i haven't exactly... apologized."

"what?" sonia fully turns around, ruining her braid. nagito opens his mouth to protest, but she continues. "how do you expect to be on good terms with hajime when you've never apologized?" her voice raises ever so slightly, and nagito can tell he's in for a lecture. his brows twitch as he sighs.

"you bullied him!" she keeps going, he shakes his head.

"i lightly teased him." nagito corrects, but quickly shuts up when he notices the look on sonia's face. the girl crosses her arms, in attempts to look as intimidating as possible.

"you need to apologize." she huffs firmly, eyebrows furrowed. "sincerely apologize." she adds, then turns around so he can restart the braid. he sighs and gets to work, looking somewhat distraught. he fixes her hair in silence as he contemplates how to approach hajime.

"how do you apologize to a guy you bullied just because you were projecting your insecurities onto him?" he asks, after a pause of silence. his hands remain in her hair, the braid almost finished. he hears her hum, deep in thought.

"be honest?" her sweet voice suggests, as if it were that easy. he lets go of her hair as soon as he's done, but his eyes stare at it for a moment longer. noticing his silence, she looks over her shoulder. "nagito?"

"what if he hates me?"

"doesn't he, already?" comes her blunt response, nagito frowns at her. "sonia!" she rolls her eyes.

"hajime doesn't like you, that's for sure. we are uncertain why he's acting different now, right?" when nagito nods, she continues. "just be honest, what could go wrong?"

"everything? he moves out, hates me and ignores my existence forever? what if he moves in with— what was his name again?"

"naegi?" sonia offers.

"yes, him." nagito nods, frown evident. sonia notices his bitter tone and begins to observe him. after a while, she tries to hide her amused smile by placing a hand over her mouth. nagito looks at her, confused.

"what? why are you smiling?"

sonia waves dismissively, smile widening. "no reason." but nagito can tell she thought of something, he just doesn't know what. he narrows his eyes at her, to which she just smiles back.

"you're weird— ow!"

"you're being nice to... nagito komaeda? as in, the dude that bullied you in high school?" kazuichi's loud, exaggerated voice is heard across his living room. he moves his hands around dramatically, "nagito komaeda?!"

in the background, he can hear an irritated voice yell. "can you shut the fuck up?"

"... sorry, babe." he pouts, and then turns back to hajime, now somewhat whispering. "have you lost your mind?"


kazuichi blinks. "why?"

hajime lets out an annoyed sigh, shutting his eyes. "i don't know. makoto gave me this whole speech about how friendship is magic, or some shit." hajime sighs. kazuichi giggles a bit.

"so you forgive nagito or what?" kazuichi asks, "what happened to—" he clears his throat, switching his voice to mimic hajime's. "i hate him, he's annoying—" he immediately gets cut off by a cushion hitting him straight in the face.

"i don't sound like that." the brunette glares, "and no, i don't forgive him. i'm just trying to— i don't know. live in peace or whatever makoto said." he grumbles, leaning back against the couch.

"just move out." kazuichi shrugs.

"i already told you—"

"yeah yeah that you're broke and can't find a different roommate. sounds like an excuse to me." he teases, with a grin. "maybe you like living with him."

"i don't."

"uh-huh." kazuichi replies. "whatever you say."

"im gonna kick your ass." hajime sighs, but doesn't move an inch. instead he crosses his arms and frowns. "i should head back. it's getting late and i have work tomorrow."

"you should sleepover!" kazuichi offers, with a big grin.

"how old are you?" hajime stares at him with a tired look.

"five and a half."

hajime keeps staring, unamused. until his lips twitch into a slight smile. kazuichi laughs loudly, "alright fine. but don't forget about me! you text me like once a year." he whines.

"yes, sure, whatever."

"i mean it, hajime! i know where you live!"

i got an A for my criminology essay [fire emoji]
n e wayz dont ask what this chapter is. i don't know either, lets call it a filler.
[not proofread]

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