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third person pov

"i think you should just be nice to him."

"are you out of your mind?" hajime scoffs, abruptly standing up and walking to the kitchen. makoto quickly follows.

"hinat— hajime, think about it. you're roommates," he starts, gesturing to the brunette. "it's best if you try to be civil. or else you'll be all grumpy for the rest of your life!"

"okay, that's dramatic." hajime grimaces, "it's not like i'm going to live with komaeda forever." he rolls his eyes, turning to open the fridge.

"well, you still have a few years left. surely you don't want to be miserable." makoto tries to reason, but he notices hajime isn't budging. he's probably not even listening. "come on, dude. he's nice to you sometimes! you're just a dick."

"hey. you're supposed to be on my side." hajime scoffs, as he takes out some cake and places it on the counter. "besides, he's only nice when he wants something."

"he brought you lunch the other day. did he expect anything in return?" makoto tilts his head, leaning against the wall.

"no, but now i owe him!"

at this, makoto rubs his face dramatically while letting out an exaggerated groan. hajime gives him a tired look in return, and starts cutting a piece of cake. "want some?"

"is that even yours?"

"no." is all he responds with, before handing makoto a piece. taking one for himself, he puts the cake back in the fridge. "but who cares?"

"i'm telling you, hajime, being nice works! my coworker was— is a massive douchebag," makoto begins, taking a bite of his cake. "oh that's good— anyways, he's a typical rich kid. but i started being nice and..."

"and he's nice to you?"

"well... he's slightly more tolerable." makoto chuckles awkwardly. "that's not the point. he mostly leaves me be. and i'm sure komaeda will do the same."

"i don't know, man. i mean... he made fun of me in high school."

"my god, hajime, how old are you?"

"tone down the sass." hajime retorts, with a somewhat playful glare. "that's not something i can forgive so easily." he says in a more serious tone, eyes focused on his piece of cake.

with a slight pause, makoto shoots him a look of understanding. the two stay quiet until they both finish their cake. an awkward silence enveloping them.

then, as hajime moves to start washing the plates, makoto speaks up. "at least try."

another pause.

"you don't have to mean it. you don't have to forgive him. just try it out." he says softly, eyes trained on hajime's back.

hajime stops the water, staring down at the dishes before looking over his shoulder. his expression cannot be read. makoto thinks he's made him uncomfortable, so he opens his mouth to apologize. but before he can,

"jesus, makoto. you sound like some cheesy protagonist from some shitty anime."

the shorter male grows red, eyebrows furrowing. "i'm being serious!"

"are you sick or something?" nagito asks, staring at hajime in confusion as the brunette eats his food quietly.

hajime blinks, raising a brow. "what?"

"you haven't insulted my food today." he shrugs, leaning against the counter. hajime pauses, looking down at his plate before looking back at nagito.

"it's good." he says simply, and keeps eating.

nagito pauses, staring at the brunette as if he's from another planet. but he doesn't comment, or ask him again. he just stares, baffled.

once done, hajime picks up his plate to wash it. and takes nagito's plate too. with no complaints.

okay, now he's seriously worried. is hajime possessed? nagito clears his throat, apparently loud enough for hajime to glance at him.

"what?" hajime grumbles.

"nothing." nagito shakes his head, holding back a grin. clearing his throat, he asks, "do you wanna watch a movie?"

hajime blinks. "which one?"

nagito shrugs, "you pick. i just wanna ignore my responsibilities."

hajime hums in understanding. "fair enough."

they settle on the couch, a random movie playing on the tv. truthfully, neither of them are quite paying attention, their thoughts wandering. the movie serves as background noise, as the two doze off.

nagito still can't wrap his head around it. hajime was acting differently. perhaps he had a change of heart. perhaps its all a ruse. whatever it is, nagito is somewhat happy. sure, he's suspicious over the sudden change, but overall happy. he has always cared for hajime, in his own way. his teasing has never been malicious. and truthfully, if he could turn back time and undo what he did in high school, he would.

hajime is equally as confused. being nice works? maybe makoto is a secret genius. though, he's still very conflicted. it's not like nagito deserves his faux kindness. so what now? he noticed nagito's confusion, but he didn't feel like explaining. if simply being nice to him works, then it means there's a chance hajime will live in peace for the next few years.

so what does this mean for the two?

"you want some hot chocolate?" nagito mumbles, loud enough for the brunette to hear. hajime stares at him for a second before nodding silently. then, nagito disappears into the dark kitchen, stumbling around.

hajime's phone buzzes.

kazuichi s.


kazuichi s.
im bored
can i come over


kazuichi s.
why not

im watching a movie
with komaeda
so no

kazuichi s.
you replaced me

but the movie is halfway done so
go bother fuyuhiko

kazuichi s.
i see how it is hinata
suddenly ur all enemies 2 lovers w nagito
so u forget about ur soulbuddy

this isn't some stupid fanfiction
leave me alone

kazuichi s.
u break my heart dude

before hajime can respond, nagito comes back. he hands him a mug, and then sits next to him. closer this time. neither of them comment on it.

"what happened while i was gone?"

"uh... no idea, to be honest." hajime responds, taking a sip of his hot chocolate.

as if either of them know whats going on in the movie.

"its good," hajime gestures to the mug, "thanks."

nagito offers a small smile, but doesn't respond. turning back to the tv. hajime stares at him for a few seconds before turning away as well.

what will become of these two?

guess who (shocked emoji)

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