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hajimes pov

"so, uh.." i sit awkwardly in front of my date, food now finished. "um." i wasn't sure what to say. the date had gone well, we chatted for a while until our food came. he seems like a nice guy, someone i could get along with but definitely not romantically.

he laughs lightheartedly, giving a closed eye smile. he's cute, but just.. not my type? i'm not even sure if i have a type. i just don't think i'd date him.

"uh. i'll pay then?" i manage to say, waving over the waiter. this seems to bother him as he shakes his head.

"i can pay." he says as he takes out his wallet. i huff, annoyed. i just said i was going to pay, didn't i? i take out my wallet as well.

"let me-"

and after a while of arguing, we reluctantly decide on splitting the bill. as we're walking out of the restaurant, i turn to him. not sure what to say, or how to continue. do i offer to walk him home? no, he drove here. do i give him a hug? honestly i'd rather not. do i thank him? do i tell him i want to see him again? i don't want to lie.

"so, uh, souda sorta forced me to go on a date with you. he said we were both 'single losers' and that we'd get along well." he speaks up, pulling me away from my thoughts. i sigh in relief.

"thank god. because i was about to say i wasn't feeling any sparks at all." at this he chuckles and gives a nod in agreement. i look down at him — he's quite short, and i smile, happy i didn't offend him.

"but i'd love to be friends, if that's cool!" he suggests.

we talk for a while, just standing in front of his car. in the end, we decide to exchange phone numbers, because i really did want to be friends. he seems interesting, and he's sorta like me in a way. though, i guess he's a lot friendlier than i am.

we say our goodbyes as i write in his contact name; naegi makoto. and then i'm walking home, with a small smile the whole time. he had offered to take me but i prefer to walk.

the smile soon fades when i make it to my apartment. opening the door slowly, assuming komaeda was asleep. the kitchen light was turned off, all that was on was a lamp in the living room. with a sigh of relief, i make a move to my bedroom, closing my door behind me.

thats when i hear it.

giggles coming from komaeda's room. they weren't loud, but obnoxious. i could only assume it was his irritating laugh. however i ignore it as i looked for my pajamas, stepping into the bathroom. taking off my clothes, i step in the shower.

once im done in the bathroom, i wash my face with soap. komaeda likes to annoy me, constantly saying my skin care routine is shit but i honestly don't have the time. brushing my teeth, i look at the time on my phone. its late.

when i leave the room, i'm face to face with sonia nevermind. i jump a bit, but relax within seconds of realizing its her. i move aside from the door and smile at her.


"hajime!" she replies in a cheery tone, with a smile of her own.

i nod at her, "i thought i heard someone in komaeda's room. aside from him, of course."

"yes, im sleeping over. nagito thought you were going to stay the night with your date," she pauses with a wink. "so he invited me over. i don't think he likes staying alone."

"ahh, well. here i am."

"how was the date?" a third voice speaks up from behind her. she excuses herself and moves towards the kitchen in a hurry.

"good." i reply. short and simple. he grins,

"thats surprising—" he begins.

"oh here we go." i roll my eyes, walking towards my bedroom. i didn't hear what else he had to say as i lock my door. what i did hear, instead, was a yell. along the lines of "asshole".

i bet you thought you'd seen the last of me. its been months i apologize. also, happy pride month.

[not proof read]

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