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third person pov

nagito can't understand why hajime is pretending to be nice to him. why now? what changed?

he knew it was suspicious to begin with, but now he knows for a fact it's an act. he wishes he understood why the brunette feels the need to be civil with him. they used to be at each other's throats for the longest time, so why change that now?

he thought, maybe hajime has matured. maybe nagito should mature. but that definitely isn't the case, nagito understands that much. which brings him to his next suspicion.

makoto naegi.

although nagito somewhat admires the lucky student, ever since he became friends with hajime it's become a bit iffy. nagito isn't sure why, but he suddenly began feeling a bit of resentment towards the shorter male.

anyway, nagito is sure naegi influenced hajime. the question is why? i mean, what does naegi care? he should mind his business.

nagito scoffs out loud, grumbling.

"what are you glaring at those poor cupcakes for?" sonia asks, her sweet voice breaking his train of thought. he looks over at her, confused. so she clarifies. "you have a nasty look on your face. do you not like the cupcakes?"

"i like the cupcakes, sonia." he responds, with a slow blink.

"okay so what are you glaring at, then?" she asks, taking a bite of her cupcake. nagito sighs.

"hajime's pretending to be nice."

"i thought we already knew that." her voice is slightly muffled.

"yeah but— naegi has something to do with it." he says, bitterly. he feels his previous glare returning.

sonia snorts, trying to conceal an obvious grin.

nagito doesn't find it as funny. he scowls, and for a moment he thinks about hajime. woah. is this how hajime feels all the time? angry at life?

"he's up to something."

"makoto naegi... former lucky student... is up to something?" sonia asks slowly, becoming confused.

"yes. he's evil, he's influencing hinata, or something."

"... makoto naegi?"


"... right." she mumbles, narrowing her eyes. its clear she's not agreeing with whatever nonsense nagito is spouting right now.

"im serious, sonia. why would hinata suddenly act all nice? why would naegi text him that? i've connected the dots." he crosses his arms, definitely pouting. sonia holds back a giggle.

"hmmm, so what are you going to do, then?" she hums, while tilting her head. "call him out? apologize?"

"no, i'm going to be mean to hajime."

"what are you on about?" she asks in a distressed tone. here she thought her best friend was somewhat intelligent, does he lose all braincells when it comes to hajime?

"think about it! it'll piss him off, so he'll definitely drop his act."

"i thought him being nice to you was a good thing." sonia sighs, rubbing her temples. "you are very confusing, nagito."

"if it's not genuine i don't want it." he dismisses with a wave.

"you could just communicate like an adult." she offers, with another deep sigh. being this man's best (and only) friend is not easy.

"but this is more fun."

. . .

"i hate to say this, makoto, but... you were right. being nice does work." hajime admits, immediately regretting it as he notices makoto's shit-eating grin. he rolls his eyes.

"told you. so, what, are you two friends now?" makoto asks excitedly. the boy has always been passionate about such topics. hajime thinks he's corny, and too sweet for his own good.

"... maybe." the taller brunette speaks hesitantly, taking a sip of his drink. he wouldn't exactly call them friends. just... roommates that tolerate each other. and keep each other company. and take care of each other...

but no. not friends. definitely not.

"uh-huh." makoto smiles, already having hajime figured out. a big ol' softie on the inside.

hajime shifts the conversation, asking about makoto's life. the two talk for a while, exchanging stories. at one point, hajime smirks as he teases the shorter boy over his new crush.

"so kirigiri, huh?"


"into taller women?"


chat is this real...
(not proof-read)

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