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third person pov

"komaeda get your ass in here right now." hajime yells at his roommate, staring at the fridge in utter disappointment. he hears footsteps approaching followed by a soft, "what?"

"what the hell is this?"

nagito stares at him in confusion, then leaning to check the fridge. "a refrigerator, hinata." the brown haired boy scoffs, pointing inside the fridge.

"i told you to buy orange juice. why is there apple juice in my refrigerator?"

"our refrigerator. and the store was all out, i figured you wouldn't mind." nagito shrugs, showing hajime a mocking smile before leaving the kitchen to go sit on the couch as he pressed play on his series.

"the store cant just run out of orange juice, komaeda. you did it on purpose asshole." with that he slams the refrigerator door shut. "how am i supposed to eat without orange juice..." he grumbles, picking up his plate to sit on the couch.

"how many times do i have to tell you? no eating on the couch." nagito glares at hajime. "you're gonna get it dirty."

"im the one who cleans anyway." hajime replies, with not a care in the world. he continues to watch the show while eating, ignoring nagito's glare. "by the way, this chicken is dry as fuck."

"fine, next time you cook." he scoffs. "my chicken isn't dry." he mumbles.

"maybe a tad bit unseasoned."

"shut the fuck up."

"you two act like an old married couple." kazuichi says, from behind the couch. the two jump, turning around quickly to stare at the mechanic. kazuichi leans against the couch, grinning at their shocked faces.

"how'd you get in here?" nagito narrows his eyes at hajime. he shrugs before speaking. "i gave him the key."


"same reason you gave sonia a key. he's my best friend. by the way, im surprised you even have friends." hajime replies, then continuing to eat his food.

after a while, nagito leaves the living room as he decides he wants to be alone in his room. kazuichi sits next to hajime, staring at him with a raised brow.


"why don't you just... move out?" kazuichi hugs his knees, resting his head on them as he speaks. "if you hate each other so much."

hajime rolls his eyes, "because im broke and can't afford to live alone, kaz. you know this."

"yeah, well, come live with me." he says, giving hajime options. "i don't understand why you two don't like each other. i mean, sonia says he's nice."

"sonia likes serial killers and criminals." hajime scoffs. "you don't know what its like to live with the guy. and no, kazuichi, i will not live with you. i'd rather not wake up to you and fuyuhiko making out on the counter."

"okay now you're just being dramatic."

"you didn't deny it."

"shut up. you didn't tell me why you hate him, by the way." he presses, with curious eyes. "cmon maybe you two can talk it out!"

"he was an asshole to me in high school, dude. he was always mocking me, saying that i was talentless and shit. as if he was special." hajime scoffs, though clearly hurt by the memory. "so now i hate him."

kazuichi pats hajime's back in attempts to comfort him.

pov hajime holds grudges (he is very stubborn) also im sorry, kuzusouda holds a special place in my heart therefore it must be included
[not proof read but enjoy!]

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