Clothes thief | Yelena Belova

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Pairing: Yelena Belova x reader
Requested by: VtRaAn56
Pronouns: They/Them

Stood in the laundry room and folding some sheets, Y/N looks up as Yelena walks in and searches the room. "Hey what are you looking for?"

"My jacket." She mumbles, opening the dryer to see if she forgot to take it out.

Y/N puts the now golden bed sheet down and turns to Yelena. "Which one?"

She stops her search and looks back at them. "The one with all the pockets. You haven't seen it, have you?"

"No but I'm sure it'll turn up." They smile as she leaves.


Entering Y/N's bedroom Yelena walks up to the bed where Y/N is sat, reading a book."Y/N, can you help me? All of my clothes keep disappearing for some reason."

Y/N is sat there, partially covered in a blanket and wearing a hoodie that's not their usual style. They look up to her and reply. "Spooky."


"What's wrong?" Y/N asks, walking into the living room to find Yelena wrapping herself in a thin blanket that is more for decoration that warmth.

"It's freezing in here and I can't find any of my jumpers."

"Here, you can borrow mine." Y/N takes off their sweatshirt and hands it to her.

"This is mine." She says as she unwraps herself from the makeshift cocoon.

"No it's not."

"Since when?" Yelena asks sceptically.

"Since I took it."

"So you're the reason my clothes keep going missing?"

"Maybe." They turn around and leave the room before she has a chance to reply.

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