Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x reader
Warnings: New York invasion, drinking, insinuations to NSFW activities and the closest I could get to flirting with my limited knowledge.
Requested by: @incrediblet on Tumblr
Pronouns: He/Him
Authors note: I'm not sorry for that terrible punWho in their right mind would continue working in the middle of an alien invasion? Well, someone had to make sure the restaurant won't be demolished overnight. So as Y/N's colleagues rushed out to stay safe, he stayed and swept up any dust that blew in.
He half expected something to come barreling in and get crushed, but instead Captain America stuck his head in to ask if they were open. And he couldn't just say no to Earth's heroes.
All six of them came in and he wiped a table for them. They all looked run down and desperately in need of food. Who knows when they last had a decent meal.
Even though Y/N was on his own in the kitchen, he worked as fast as he could. They all seemed pleased, especially Thor as he practically inhaled his. But no matter how happy they seemed, he couldn't shake the feeling of eyes following his every move. Specifically, the eyes of his (secretly) favourite hero.
It wasn't until she walked over to him that he know why.
The others were too exhausted to pay attention to their surrounding, so she took the chance.
She started by thanking him for the food, but the moment she touched his arm his mind went blank. She clearly noticed his reaction and sent him a grin as the group left.
Natasha's eyes followed him for the rest of the week. Their unwavering beauty shined out through the pain. No matter what training she had to hide her emotions, her eyes gave it away.
They were the greenest green he had ever seen. He knew how unimaginative that sounded, but he couldn't think of another way to describe them. They weren't bottle or sage green, they didn't look like the bell peppers he used in the salad.
Thoughts like that were the reason he started getting distracted, which often resulted in a smack to the head by his boss. And a couple of burns.
He just had to suck up these feeling and bury them away some where; there was no way he would ever see her again. Or so he thought.
It started out as any other day. The restaurant was back to normal as business was booming. Many businesses had been destroyed in the attack so more customers were sent Y/N's way, but that didn't mean he never got any peace and quiet.
There were certain points throughout the day when hardly anyone came in. Y/N often took over serving at those times to give his colleagues a break, and it was lucky he did.
Y/N was too immersed in the restaurant's new playlist to hear the door open. "Hey stranger, what's cooking?"
The sudden voice almost made him drop the stack of paper cups he was holding. "Well nothing right now but- oh hello."
Natasha watched as he continued to mess with the cups until he was sure they wouldn't fall. "Been demoted to serving again?"
"No, I thought I'd give the others a break."
"Well aren't you a sweetheart," She grinned.
After that day Natasha kept going to see Y/N. She may of subconsciously, or deliberately, memorised his schedule. She only came in on the days he was working when there was a lull in between customers. Y/N was half convinced that she just stalked him, even if she assured him she didn't.
All these random trips had the team wondering what Natasha was doing. Everyone except Clint, he knew everything.
Most just accepted it was none of their business, then there was Tony. He knew Natasha didn't like leaving the tower for anything that wasn't important to her. He had to find out, but he had to be careful. Last time he tried to keep an eye on her, she threw a knife at his camera.
"Where are you off to at this hour?" Tony asked Natasha as the lift doors opened. He would never admit it to anyone; he had been waiting there for at least ten minutes.
"It's half seven in the morning, am I not allowed out?" She asked, standing next to him.
It turned out, one person hadn't been too exhausted to see her walk over to Y/N. "Does this spontaneous outing have anything to do with a shawarma restaurant opening at eight?"
It didn't take her long to walk to the restaurant, she had memorized the shortest route and took it every time.
There was a pep in her step as she left the tower. Y/N no longer became flustered in her presence and even started making her orders before she came in. Her plan was finalised and today was the day.
She arrived a few minutes before opening, knowing Y/N would be checking the inventory.
"Hey handsome, what are you up to?"
"Oh Natasha!" This time Y/N did drop what he was holding. "Wha- what are you doing back here."
Instead of answering she moved towards him, backing him against the shelves. The heat returns to his face as she pressed against him, decreasing the space between them until he felt her soft lips against his.
It would have been perfect, if Y/N didn't ruin it as Natasha pulled away. "Italian," His voice was raised slightly in surprise. "I mean, do you like Italian?"
"Yes I do."
"There's I new restaurant I've been meaning to try," He studied her features to make sure she understood him. "I don't usually shout Italian after kissing."
Neither of them had been on a date for a while, so it was safe to say they were nervous. In the end, their worries were unnecessary.
The Italian restaurant was a huge success. It was a small family business with traditional food and nice people. The two of them may have had a little too much wine, yet their thoughts were mostly rational. They could be passed off as sober, giggling people.
They stumbled back to Y/N's flat for the night, sticking their heads in whatever shops were still open on the way.
All in all, their night was fun and full of laughter. And they were glad they were sober enough to remember.
Natasha assumed she wouldn't have to sneak back into the tower the next morning, she is a responsible adult. But Tony had other plans.
He was once again waiting in the lift. This time he just got Jarvis to tell him when she was close instead of waiting. "What time do you call this, young lady? Your mother and I have been worried sick."
She stepped in next to him and leant down to take her high heals off. "Who's the mother?"
"Steve," He answered, "So where were you?"
"Out." The doors eventually slid open to let her out.
"With the nice guy that makes shawarma?" He followed her onto her private floor.
"No, of course not." Natasha was tired and just wanted to go to her room in peace, without someone breathing down her neck.
"You should bring him over sometime. We'd love to meet him."
"If it was him, you've already met." She closed the door behind her, knowing Tony would continue persist with his questions.
"Serving us food is not a proper meeting." He shouted through the door.
Her reply was just as rapid, albeit a little muffled. "Well it's all you're getting."
"So you admit it was him."

Marvel One Shots (X Reader) REQUESTS ARE OPEN!
RandomREQUESTS ARE OPEN! Now includes headcanons I will write almost anything unless it's smut or a crossover with a fandom I am not part of. (Fandom list on my Tumblr) Send me requests on my tumblr (renicrusecal) or here I post more often on Tumblr with...