Pairing:Loki x reader
Warnings: Curses and a graphic description
Requested by: no one
Pronouns: They/Them
Authors note: Still got a few weeks of exams but I'll be ale to write more often soonLoki's day had gone from bad to worse. First Thor and his friends insisted on sparring with him, which ended with him on his back. Next some pitiful servant forgot to mention his trousers didn't dry properly. And to top it all off, after a series of clumsy mishaps, some brute made him drop his book is a puddle.
He was in a foul mood and wanted to get away from everyone, so he went for a walk. The woodland was usually empty after dinner. He could be alone with his thoughts and get stuck into his new, dry book.
Upon finding a nice log, Loki sat down. But something was wrong. Someone was watching. He stood, put away his book and looked around.
Sat on a branch to his left was some sort of pixie. No taller than a regular goblet with mismatched garments that appeared to be made of leaves.
"Sorry, didn't mean to disturb you." They squeaked, standing up to look him in the eyes. Or nose.
"Are you a pixie? Fae?" A long list of other creatures would have followed if they didn't interrupt.
"Nope, just a regular Asgardian. Sort of."
"What happened to you?"
It only happened a few years ago, but it felt like decades. As usual, Y/N ate their lunch at the edge of the woods. The shade stopped them from overheating and there was just enough light to read in. And, as usual, their unpleasant neighbours decided to come over.
Y/N was considered 'weird', and apparently that meant they deserved to be bullied. Avoiding large gathering and holding no interest in the royal family made them a prime target.
Most days Y/N ignored the group. They made a few jokes, commented on their appearance, and sometimes Y/N made a jab at their sad little lives. Any passerby would assume it was harmless banter, a couple of friends teasing each other.
However, the more Y/N ignored them, the worse the tormenting became.
Somehow one of them managed to get their hands on a potion. It was never supposed to cause any major damage! It just got... Out of hand.
Ink bleeds, and one of them misread the label. What they though said 'stink' actually said 'shrink'.
"Hey Y/N." The tallest said. They never bothered to learn their names. "How's your day so far?"
"It's suddenly gone downhill." They remained aloof as the group snickered quietly.
"Well we've got the perfect thing to cheer you up!" The one was short black hair nudged her redheaded friend.
"Oh yeah," He splashed the potion in their face, waiting for Y/N to start smelling like a rancid boar.
But that didn't happen. Instead they watched in horror as the liquid dissolved into Y/N's skin. They screamed as their bones changed shape, alerting the entire market to the scene. It was the sound nightmares were made of. Penetrating, deafening, mind-numbing. A sound they would never forget.
Weeks went by and the two quickly became friends. Y/N would listen to Loki's complaining and inturn he would read them stories, update them on Asgard's gossip, anything they've missed.
Soon enough, summer turned to autumn. Leaves began to fall and Loki began to worry for Y/N's health. "Don't you get cold living in the trees?"
"Only at night and in winter." They shrugged and continued reading the book he temporarily shrunk for them. "A small fire can keep me warm."

Marvel One Shots (X Reader) REQUESTS ARE OPEN!
AléatoireREQUESTS ARE OPEN! Now includes headcanons I will write almost anything unless it's smut or a crossover with a fandom I am not part of. (Fandom list on my Tumblr) Send me requests on my tumblr (renicrusecal) or here I post more often on Tumblr with...