Pierre | Pietro Maximoff

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Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x reader
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, annoying ex
Requested by: No one
Pronouns: They/Them
Authors note: Idea from the song Pierre by Ryn Weaver

Maximoff. Y/N had heard the name on the bar's radio recently. It was always too loud for them to make out the first name, so they always assumed it wasn't Pietro. And why would it be? The chances of their soulmate working with the Avengers were practically impossible.

Pietro Maximoff had been written on their wrist for as long as they could remember. However, they hadn't met him yet. They had grown, dated, dumped and been dumped. They lived the life of any other nineteen year old and rarely thought about him.

Of course they regretted a few things, but experience is experience. For example, dating that one guy that - even though they weren't meant to be - didn't want to let them go.


The usual crowd of already drunk customers rolled in. Every holiday brought the same excited, and often rowdy, people. The fourth of July was no different. Only this time, a group of what could be mistaken for Avengers lookalikes came in.

Eyes of sky and ocean blue met Y/N's as they looked up. He ordered a long list of drinks but looked far too young to get them. "Can I see some ID?"

"Anything else you would like to see?" He spoke in broken English, but his heart was there.

"Just the ID for now." They studied it for a moment, not truly believing it was real. "Alright, Pierre, I'll get those drinks for you."

As they turned around they felt the name on their wrist tingle. Unbeknownst to them, 'Pierre' felt the same thing.


"Will you finally tell me your name?" Every night for the last week Pierre had been coming in. And every night he would lean against the bar, use some cheesy pick up line and flirt in that lovely accent of his.

"Will you tell me yours?" And every night Y/N had to be extra careful to not drown in those ocean eyes.

"You don't look old enough to be here either," He laughed.

"I'm old enough to work," They grinned in return.


Y/N sighed as they hung up. Their break had officially been ruined by their ex. Asking how they've been to seem innocent was always how he started. These interactions had Y/N wishing they actually knew their soulmate instead of lying to get rid of him.

"Are you alright?"

Y/N jumped and pressed a hand to their chest. "Oh, Pierre! I didn't notice you."

"My name is Pietro, Pietro Maximoff. I guess that makes you Y/N?" He knew this probably wasn't the best time to reveal that, but he had been preparing himself all day. Well, Wanda had been pushing him to get it over with. "You don't need to worry about whoever that was anymore. If it means keeping you safe, I'll come here every night."

"You already do." They chuckled, stopping just in front of him.

Pietro smiled, "I can't believe I found you." He wrapped his arms around them.


"Can I get a beer?" Y/N grinned, immediately recognising the voice behind them.

Almost every day since they discovered they were soulmates, Pietro visited the bar. He sat on a stool, admired Y/N and tried to get alcohol. Everytime he ended up with lemonade. "You're underage, if I sell you beer I'll lose my job."

"Which just means more time together." He flashed his usual dazzling smile.

"You already come in every day, Pietro." They teased, grabbing a rag to mop up a spillage of the counter.

"Maybe you should just leave them alone altogether." The gruff voice of Y/N's ex boyfriend interrupted.

They sighed and pressed their hands into the counter. "I thought I told you to stop coming here."

"And I thought I told you I want you back. We're good together, Y/N. Don't you want to be happy?" He has obviously been drinkng, as usual, but not there. All of Y/N's colleagues knew him, and none would serve him.

"I'm already happy, with my soulmate, so why don't-"

He barked out a laugh, "He's your soulmate? I'm a little disappointed."

Pietro knee Y/N could handle their ex, they had obviously done so before, but he just couldn't sit back and let it happen. No one had the right to disrespect his partner.

He grabbed the man's shirt, preparing to give him a piece of his mind. Until the larger hand of a certain blond landed on his shoulder, "Why don't I take care of this?" Steve began dragging him out. "You kids enjoy yourselves."

"When did Steve get here?" Y/N huffed, breaking the silence between them.

"He followed me; everyone wanted to know who you were."

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