Dating Hela Headcanons

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Pairing: Hela x reader
Warnings: Mentions of fighting and conflict
Requested by: @Konstantin609 on Tumblr
Pronouns: He/Him

•Ever since Y/N had been adopted into the Foster family, he had been a little weird

•Jane had been fascinated by her younger brother since she saw him moving rocks as a toddler without touching them

•She helped him strengthen his abilities and they discovered he could manipulate whatever objects he wanted

•It didn't take long for SHIELD to pick up on these abilities

•As soon as he was old enough they offered him a job

•He met Thor when he tried to get his hammer back

•He was responsible for keeping him restrained until he got out

•He helped Thor stop the destroyer armour and Loki

•No matter how much damage the armour did he was rather sad he didn't get to use it after

•Thor and Y/N formed a strong friendship that continued after he and Jane split up

•Loki knew Y/N was trustworthy and asked him to keep an eye on Odin when he was in the home

•Y/N told them about Odin being in Norway and asked Strange to send them there

•That's how he met Hela

•She didn't think much of him

•Until she realised what he could do

•She had to get rid of him so she kicked him out of the Bifrost with the others

•When he landed on Sakaar the Grand Master was immediately impressed

•He loved Y/N too much to let him fight

•He made Y/N his right hand man

•He even gave him access to pretty much everything

•Which made escaping much easier

•The extra help in the fight was certainly useful

•But as they fought Y/N had a change of heart

•What if Hela deserved a second chance

•So he pulled her off the bridge as Surtur was released

•He snuck her onto the ship and restrained her so she wouldn't escape

•Which turned out to be a good idea as Thanos arrived

•He stand a chance against her

•She saved everyone on that ship but had a long way to go until anyone would forgive her

•She had to start somewhere though

•Y/N arranged for them to have lunch and everything got better from there

•No one would ever get over what Hela did but they could learn to like her

•She got on very well with Loki and together they would pull pranks on Thor

•She helped establish New Asgard and helped anyone that needed it

•And when she was serving the community, she spent time with Y/N

•He taught her all about Earth and how to use any thing she needed

•Over time their friendship became more

•Thor was thrilled to get another brother

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