When Three Turns To Two pt 2 | Stucky

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Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader x Bucky Barnes
Warnings: kidnapping
Requested by: BuckyGoddesswolf
Pronouns: They/Them
Extra Information: Doll is used gender neutrally

"Hey Buck, I'm home." Y/N closed the door behind them with a sigh and kicked off their shoes.

Bucky poked his head out of the kitchen and came rushing towards them. He helped them pull of their coat and asked, "Bad day?"

"Not bad just draining. Everything was so slow today." They leaned their head against his chest, melting into his warm embrace.

"Are the onions in the car?" They groaned in response. "Don't worry about it, Doll, I'll get some now."

Pushing away from him, they tried to grab their coat off the hook he put it on. "No. I said I would buy it and I will."

"It's not up for debate. I'll get it and you can have a hot bath and relax until dinner."

"You're too good to me." He just smiled in response and ushered then upstairs. Steam immediately began to fill the bathroom as the hot water hit the cold tub. There was a chill in the air now that autumn was ending, and even with the steam it was too cold to take their clothes off until the bath was full.

The rushing water, combined with the fan taking out excess steam, didn't allow them to hear anything outside the bathroom. In fact, they only just noticed they knocked the toothpaste onto the floor. What they didn't notice, however, were the footsteps sneaking up the stairs. They didn't even hear the door slowly open. As they stood back up they jumped at the reflection in the mirror. Behind them stood a man, face covered in fresh scars.

"I don't believe we've met, call me Brock." He grinned a little to widely and squeezed a white cloth over their nose and mouth because they could move a muscle.


Steve opened the front door, expecting at least on of his soulmates to appear from somewhere. He called out but no one answered. Walking into the kitchen, he found the prepared but not yet cooked dinner. Hearing the front door open and shut, he rushed out to find Bucky with a bag of onions.

Steve let out a sigh of relief, suddenly feeling silly for his paranoia. "Is Y/N not with you?"

"Y/N was here when I left. Maybe they fell asleep in the bath again." That would explain why they didn't answer.

"I'll go check." Steve walked up the stairs as Bucky went back to preparing dinner.

He heard Steve yell his name. Running into the bathroom, his socks were soaked by the wet floor. He didn't care. Scrawled on the mirror in black ink, he read 'Come and find us James'.


Y/N's legs felt numb as they woke up. The chair beneath them creeked everytime they moved. Old ropes -the kind so worn that they're bristly- secured their wrists and ankles. There was no way they were getting out of this; struggling just damaged their skin even more. The only thing even close to soothing their burning wounds was the cold air, if it didn't make them shiver and rub the rope more.

Light suddenly flooded the room. They squinted, trying to make the blurry figure infront more clear. "What do you want from me?"

When he finally came into focus, they watched him grin. "It's not you I want, it's your little househusband."

Not Bucky. He's been through enough, why did it have to be Bucky. "You're one of them." Y/N couldn't remember the name, and frankly they didn't want to.

"Not anymore I'm not. Not since your boyfriends destroyed EVERYTHING!" He yelled the final word, making their ears ring at the echoing noise "I just need you to bring him here."

He marched out and they finally had a chance to look around. It looked like a warehouse, stained with rust all over. As far as their neck would turn, they could see old machinery shoved against the walls. Dark cloth flapped against an open window, which explained the draft. The metal supports holding the walkways groaned and Y/N feared the place would fall down any minute.


Bucky and Steve rushed to find Tony after they found the security cameras corrupted.

"Barnes and Noble! To what do I owe the pleasure?" Tony, enthusiastic (possible sarcastic) as always, greeted them.

"Y/N is missing." Bucky cut to the chase and slammed one of the broken cameras down, which he insisted on bringing despite it being unnecessary.

Somehow, which neither of them understood, Tony was able to access their security footage. One camera clearly showed Bucky driving away, and the other a dark figure approaching the house. It wasn't until he enlarged and enhanced a reflection in the window that they recognised the culprit. His face had been healing for a long time, but the wounds still looked fresh.


All of the Avengers that weren't otherwise engaged came along to rescue Y/N. JARVIS was able to track Rumlow's vehicle on traffic cameras until it turned down an overgrown lane. A quick check on with a satellite showed the abandoned warehouse at the end. The owner had died years ago, but no one had claimed the inheritance so it sat there, slowly falling apart.

Upon arrival Steve tried to take the tactical approach, but Bucky was done waiting. Even if Rumlow had backup, he would just deal with it when it happened. After kicking the door in -which would have crumbled soon anyway- he stormed through the corridor. It wasn't until he reached the last door that he found the large empty room. And there in the middle was Y/N with Rumlow stood behind and a knife to their neck.

"How does it feel to be back where you belong, at my mercy?" That grin he hated so much warped the scars across his jaw.

Bucky stepped forwards, "If you so much as-"

"Calm down, I haven't hurt them. But if you move any closer I will slit their throat." To prove his point, Rumlow presses the blade into their skin, drawing the tiniest drop of blood.

"You're outnumbered, Freddie Kruger, step away from them." Tony flew in from a broken window, aiming his right repulsor at him.

Rumlow raised his hands, taking a step away. He appeared to be placing down the knife, until he lunged at the last second to stab Y/N in the neck.

An arrow whizzed through the air and struck him in the shoulder. He dropped the knife as it lodged in his collarbone.

Steve untied Y/N and cradled them to his chest then picked them up to leave. Bucky corned Rumlow against a support beam.

"I guess you're going to kill me now because that's what you do, isn't it? You're a murderer and nothing will change that."

"I'm not going to kill you." Bucky ripped a rusted chain off an old contraption. He forced Rumlow up against the pillar and restrained him with it. Leaving him in the cold building, Bucky walked onto the net with the others. A van drove up beside them and three agents jumped out to talk to Natasha.

Bucky pulled Y/N onto his lap and Steve grabbed the first aid kit. As he bandaged up their wounds, he sat so they wouldn't be able to see Rumlow dragged past the jet by the chain still around him.

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