Under Thinking | Bucky Barnes

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: mentions of sex and Tony's a pain
Requested by: @MiaWelch9
Prompts: the lead up to Bucky and Y/N's first time (without any smut)
Pronouns: They/Them
Authors note: Not quite the request but I hope you still enjoy

"You two done the dirty yet?"

Y/N sighed, already planning to leave before the coversation started. "Not that it's any of your business, but no we haven't."

"Really? I heard he was quite the ladies man in his youth." Tony leant against one of the desks and folded his arms.

"That was a long time ago Tony." They stacked the files they came to get into their arms.

"I'm just saying, if I were him I wouldn't want to wait this long."

They didn't bother facing him to reply. "You tried to have sex with me the moment we met."

"I don't believe in wasting time." He shouted as they left the lab


Tony always said the most annoying things, probably just trying to get under everyone's skin. But now and then, without meaning to, what he said had a deeper effect.

Y/N and Bucky had been together for a while now, almost five months. And sure, they kissed, went on dates, and shared a bed almost every night. But not once had they had sex, despite coming close a few times.

"What's with the sour look?" Wanda found Y/N at one of the towers many seating areas, looking out at the cityscape.

"Tony's an idiot."

"What's he done?"

"It's something I shouldn't even be worried about, and I know Bucky probably needs time, which is totally fine. But we haven't slept together."

"You're worried he's not attracted to you in that way?"

"A little, yeah. I'd never have sex again if it meant being with him..."

"You still want to though," Wanda sat on the arm of their chair. "Y/N, just talk to him. And be direct because guys like him don't get subtleties."

After months of mutual pining and dropping hints, Y/N learnt exactly how bad he was at recognising them. "Thanks Wanda."


"Do you want to have sex with me?"

"Y/N!" Steve, who was sat opposite Bucky in the kitchen, nearly choked on his coffee. Partly from the fright of Y/N appearing behind him.

"Sorry Steve. Bucky?"


"Great, glad we cleared that up. Who's cooking tonight?"

"So is there a reason for this conversation or...?" Asked a confused Sam, who was next to Steve.

"I'm hungry."

"For more than just food apparently."

As Y/N left the kitchen, Bucky followed them all the way back to their room. "You can't go around talking like that: Steve's an old man, he might have a heart attack." He closed the door behind him.

"You're literally older than him." Y/N bounced as they plopped down on their bed.

"He doesn't have the experience I do." He joined them, only making the mattress shift slightly. "About earlier..."

"That was weird, right? I was talking to Tony-"

"Of course." He sighed.

"He said something that made me over think. Then Wanda gave me some advice that I might have under thought."

Bucky's eyes flit down to Y/N's fidgeting hands in their lap and places his own flesh one over them. "I do want to, I just don't want to push you and I-"

"It's okay of you're not ready. I'll wait as long as you need."

He didn't know how to respond, just grasped their chin and leaned in to kiss them. "You've been waiting since we met."

Their face flushed with heat. Up until this point he'd never outright mentioned the painfully obvious crush they had. "Bucky-"

He kissed them again, promptly shutting them up and gently laying down on the bed. Shivers ran up their spine as his cold metal had snuck under their shirt.

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