Taming the Beast | Bruce Banner/Hulk

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Pairing: Bruce Banner x reader x Hulk
Warnings: injuries
Requested by: BuckyGoddesswolf
Pronouns: They/Them
Extra Information: Soulmate AU where you have their favourite animal picture

Y/N smiled politely at Steve as he stepped aside to let them into the lab. They had been tasked to take note of all progress made locating the tesseract and had to wait in the lab, giving any update they could to Agent Hill. As they entered, Tony and Bruce were talking about Loki, but they made an effort not to listen in too much. They just quietly walked over to their station to work alone and hopefully unnoticed. As the conversation became more personal, they were sure they had achieved that goal.

As Bruce spoke it became increasingly clear how much resentment he held for the Hulk. They couldn't help but feel bad as they realised how much he must have changed Bruce's life. Soon enough the room went quiet and they could focus on their work again.

That focus was unfortunately interrupted when Agent Hill spoke to them through their earpiece. Apparently Bruce was expected to Hulk out soon, so someone had to be there to keep him calm.

A feat proving increasingly difficult as more people come in. Fury's raised voice about the Tesseract was a worry, but not as much as Steve making everyone jump as he slammed a weapon down on the table. Natasha and Thor followed closely behind and they realised how serious the situation was. However, working closely beside Fury meant Y/N was already aware of his plans for the Tesseract.

"You wanna think about removing yourself from this environment, Doctor?" Natasha asked as the room grew tense.

Even Bruce started to raise his voice at this point. Y/N understood the teams anger, though. They even particially agreed. Now life from other worlds was known, it was important to protect the Earth. But mass destruction weapons could bring too many problems.

They began to lose track of who was talking as everyone argued. Even their heart rate began to rise; they realised something was very wrong and Bruce had to be removed.

"What are we, a team? No, we're a chemical mixture that makes chaos. We're a time bomb."

"You need to step away." Fury tells him.

"Why shouldn't the guy let off a little steam?" Tony places a hand on Steve's shoulder, which just riles him up.

When Steve squared up to Tony, explaining everything he was doing wrong, Fury made eye contact with Y/N. They knew now was the time to try and help banner just in case. They moved to stand near him and still no one in the room seemed to notice them.

"Agent L/N, could you escort Dr Banner back to his room?" At that point the others finally realise someone had been in the room with them the entire time.

"Where? You rented my room."

"The cells was just in case-"

"In case you needed to kill me. But you can't. I know, I tried. I got low, I didn't seen an end. So, I put a bullet in my mouth, and the other guy spit it out. So I moved on. I focused on helping other people. I was good. Until you dragged me back into this freak show and put everyone here at risk. You want to know my secret? You wanna know how I stay calm?" The others reached for their weapons as Bruce picked up the scepter.

"Doctor Banner." Y/N placed their hand over his. They couldn't help but notice their favourite animal painted on his skin above their hand. A shocked expression overtook his features as he realised why. They slowly took it away from him and placed it back on the table. "Let be walk you back to your room or somewhere else you can be comfortable."

He stared at them as they smiled. His eyes glossed over and Y/N realised he probably hadn't felt someone care for his well-being instead of everyone else's since his accident. Beeping interrupted the moment and he rushed over to a computer with Y/N close behind. Steve and Tony immediately returned to their bickering.

Before they could see that the energy signature of the scepter was matched, the floor below their feet collapsed. Y/N landed on the metal walkway below. A huge chunk of metal landed on their foot, almost crushing it. But that wasn't their biggest problem.

Beside them Bruce was laying face down and breathing heavily.

"Doctor Banner, Bruce. Listen to me. Everything will be fine, you can fight this." They tried pulling their foot out but every time they moved pain shot up their leg. Trying not to yell out incase it started him, they reached out for his hand.

Green covered his skin, his muscles grew and his clothes tore apart. Groaning, Bruce pushed himself over the ledge and fell to an even lower floor. As expected, Bruce turned into the Hulk. Unexpectedly, however, was Y/N's arm started to tingle at the exact same time. Shocked, they watched the lamb tattooed onto their skin turn into a lion. It wasn't the first time it had happened, but now they finally understood why. It had started happening a few years prior for varying amounts of time.

Y/N continued to struggle under the metal, trying to keep their pained cries quiet as to not attract the Hulk's attention. It didn't work. As soon as he regained awareness of his surroundings, he was climbing back up into the ledge and moving towards them like a gorilla. But his movements were slow, careful, as if he was nervous. The Hulk almost shied away when they looked up in fear. He didn't stop staring at their arm though. His huge hands were gentle as he touches their mark and held their hand in his own. Y/N would have laughed at the difference in size if they weren't in so much pain.

A loud sob broke through the silence and the Hulk finally realised why they continued to lie there. He easily picked up the metal and threw it away. Picking them up gingerly, he made a deep grumbling noise that sounded like he was cooing.

He carried them through the hallways, swatting away anyone trying to get in his way. Various agents shot at him, hoping to render him immobile. The Hulk moved fine through the corridor, however he was bigger than the door into the medbay. He desperately tried squeezing through, but he didn't want to risk hurting Y/N in his arms. Eventually a nurse had to take them from his arms so he wouldn't break the wall.

"Don't worry, they'll take care of me." They smiled to reassure him.

Hulk sat down outside and waited. The rest of the helicarrier descended into chaos, but he refused to move. Sitting there quietly, he eventually calmed down enough to shrink back to Bruce.

Sheepishly - with his torn clothes almost falling off completely - Bruce walked in. There was a curtain surrounding their bed so neither of them had to worry about people staring.

"I'm sorry about him."

Y/N grabbed his hand and pulled him closer. "There's nothing to apologise for, Bruce," They turned his arm so they could compare his mark to theirs. "You're my soulmates and if it weren't for him who knows how long I would have been trapped."

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