Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Warnings: Hauntings, alcohol, injuries, crowds
Requested by: no one
Pronouns: They/Them
Authors note: Happy Halloween gremlins“I found a giant spoon.” Ned held up a metal spoon wider than his fist. He sat next to Peter to finish scooping out the pumpkin guts.
“That's what they use to feed the hulk soup when he can't turn back.” Y/N was opposite Peter and beside MJ.
“Go ask Bruce if you don't believe me.”
He visibly slumped.
“Alright, kids.” MJ smacked her knife down, “Time for the big reveal.”
Peter turned his pumpkin to show a choppy face of C-3PO. Ned gasped and twisted his. “I did General Grievous.”
“OMG I did R2-D2.” Her mock enthusiasm was met with their actual excitement. “You nerds. I did a zombie.”
“Why is that so realistic?”
“Nobody in the history of pumpkin carving is as talented as me.”
“What about you, Y/N?” Peter asked.
“Banana peeling a man.”
“That's certainly… spooky.”
“On that note, I'm going to get ready. See you later.” MJ and Ned had been given rooms for the night, to get ready and to sleep off their potential hangovers.
Y/N and Peter carried a two pumpkins each to the party deck. Black and orange streamers hung on the walls with bats and pumpkins. Two tables were set up with drinks, as well as the bar being fully stocked. They noted a non-alchoholic sign being placed on one.
They grabbed a box of Halloween themed tinsel, planning to hang it above the bar.
“Let me do that.” A young man with a SHIELD emblem on his shirt stood beside a ladder.
“Thanks.” They passed it to him as he climbed. “Are you new?”
“Just got promoted. I'm on security for the night.” He balanced the box on the top wrung and pulled out the green and black plastic with little witches hats.
“Then congratulations-”
A clattering drew their attention to Peter. He tripped on some LED light he was untangling.
“I thought spiders were good with knots?”
“Maybe tying them. Will you just help me?” They unwrapped the wires from his legs, joining him on the floor to untangle another string of lights.
The party deck - named because it was built so Tony would have an excuse to throw too many parties - was coming together nicely. It has nearly changed colour from how many decorations there were. The soft yellow lighting remained the same, making the tinsel sparkle.
As Y/N tried to appreciate the handiwork, there was a crash, followed by a groan. “Darren!”
The ladder was on top of him. Peter picked it up with ease, but he didn't move. He was clenching his eyes like it was suddenly too bright and Y/N noticed a smear of red on the floor. The few other people in the room rushed to help.
“I think we should go upstairs.” Peter rested a hand on their bicep. “They've got it handled here.” Two more people rushed in carrying a stretcher.
They settled for getting ready for the evenings festivities, and hoping Darren would be alright. It was a pretty stable looking ladder but– tthey didn't want to think about it.

Marvel One Shots (X Reader) REQUESTS ARE OPEN!
RandomREQUESTS ARE OPEN! Now includes headcanons I will write almost anything unless it's smut or a crossover with a fandom I am not part of. (Fandom list on my Tumblr) Send me requests on my tumblr (renicrusecal) or here I post more often on Tumblr with...