Midnight Meetings Pt 1 | Bucky Barnes

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: Kinda violent and gory, Bucky's self doubt and suspected unrequited love
Requested by: BuckyGoddesswolf
Pronouns: They/Them
Extra Information: Werewolf!Bucky and Vampire!Y/N. Pt 2 is a close call
Authors note: Not really giving with the title so if anyone can think of a better one I'd love to hear it

Since moving in with the Avengers, Bucky has heard them talk. The team member that slept all day and only went on the missions he wasn't on. It wasn't until his first week that he learnt their name. And the second he finally saw them. As his nightmares kept him up later in the night he'd get another. But it was always a flash of their hair or their hand disappearing round the corner.

They're name was Y/N, the same name that had been tattooed on his wrist for as long as he could remember. This was a name he found comfort in during his hardest times. Before Hydra that is. Through his awkward teen phases and during his time as Sargent Barnes he knew there would be someone waiting on the other side of it all. The one he was meant to be with. However after decades of thawing and freezing, there was no way his Y/N would still be alive. It was a coincidence that they had the same name. Still, he found himself thinking about them.

He wondered if they were a recluse before they came; not quite used to social interactions yet. Maybe they were shy, or maybe they were just scared of him. He wouldn't be surprised and it wouldn't be the first time. He'd done such horrible things that they followed him into his dreams.

Just like every night those dreams kept him up. He forced himself to get out of bed incase he fell back to sleep. Memories of bones breaking and blood spraying plagued his mind as he wandered the corridors. Only this time, he was not the one that caused it. Just a few months - or maybe years - into his time in Hydra, their experiments became more unusual. They had already made him a super soldier, but they wanted more. He had to be stronger; better than everyone else.

Bucky didn't know what they did to him, or how long for. All he could remember was waking up to the pain of every bone in his body breaking and setting in a different place.

A shiver ran up his spine as he entered the kitchen. He had learnt to control his abilities, but some days he was worried he hadn't don't enough. He stared at his wrist, struggling to keep the thoughts of encountering his soulmate in his wolf form at bay.

"Bucky? It's the middle of the night, you should be asleep." A voice he didn't recognise came from behind. He hadn't even heard them enter the room. "Do you want to talk?"

Without reacting they were able to read him like a book. "I thought you were scared of me."

"You're a giant puppy, of course I'm not scared of you," Y/N sat on the stool opposite him. "I'm just confused because you smell-"

"I wash everyday." His response was almost too sudden. Despite dressing like a grumpy teenager, his hygiene was impeccable.

They smiled at his response. "Every wolf smells, soap won't stop it. Except you don't smell like a wolf."

"How do wolves usually smell?" Bucky hadn't met another wolf before, so he had always assumed they smelt like regular people. Having gotten used to his own smell he had no reason to think otherwise.

"Like wet dogs. But you don't, you smell... sweet. I know you weren't born a wolf, but even those who weren't still stink. You're intoxicating. I had to stay away, I was worried I would hurt you."

That made him smile. The thought of anyone needing to restrain themselves around him was ridiculous. "You wouldn't hurt me."

"You'd be surprised." And with that they left.

Bucky's dreams were all but forgotten. Now he was just left wondering what they could possibly mean.


Bucky meeting Y/N soon became a regular occurrence. It was like they sought him out just to comfort him. They were always just round the corner whenever he needed a friend.

Their comfort came in all forms. Sometimes they'd distract him with a story too ridiculous to be real (even though they always insisted it was) and sometimes they'd simply offer to hypnotize him. Apparently it always worked on Stark, but he'd experienced enough mind control in his life. Not that he believed them of course. Almost everything they said about themself was too extraordinary to be true.

Whether they were or not, Bucky felt himself growing closer to them because of that.

They clearly didn't feel the same though. He must have come on too strong. Why else would they suddenly distance themself from him? He could hear them through their door when he knocked, but there was never any answer. He finally began to give up hope on the only true friend he had made in this century.

His nightly wandering felt aimless again. At some point in the night however he always ended up in the kitchen, where they first spoke. Deep down he hoped if he thought about them they could feel it.

As each night passed he found himself resenting his soulmark even more. What a cruel trick of fate it was to give him that name. At this point he wouldn't be surprised if Y/N was his soulmate, but he wasn't theirs. It was his destiny to be alone and he supposed that was what he deserved.

Before his thoughts could get any darker, his attention was drawn away by a noise coming from the kitchen. Footsteps. Bucky could differentiate between each of his teammates footsteps and this wasn't any of them.

Slowly he stepped into the kitchen, sliding his fluffy socks across the tiles to make the least amount of noise.

"I was wondering when you'd show up, soldat." That single word brought back even more memories. Bucky froze. He never froze, not once while surrounded by these men. How could one measly spy be so threatening?

He didn't move when he pulled out a knife and he didn't move when he could feel his breath on his face. He didn't move when something growled behind him and he certainly didn't move when Y/N leapt over his shoulder, taking the spy down with them.

They pounced on the intruder faster than he could see. He stood back, helpless as they tore through clothes and buried what looked like fangs into their neck. What was somehow even more shocking was seeing their sleeve ride up.

He had known they were a little odd from the beginning, they gave off an unusual scent too. But there it was in bold ink on their wrist. His name. He had imagined this moment for so long. It was almost unsurprising though. Having lived a life of bloodshed, it was a common sight.

Bucky finally snapped out of his trance and realised what Y/N was doing. They drained the spy until he was little more than a husk. Blood dripped down their chin but their expression had never been softer. He knew that look, they were scared. It was the look he had worn many times over the decades. They were scared that he would be scared.

Y/N's sticky hands cupped his cheeks like they hadn't somersaulted over him three minutes ago. They fussed and mumbled but it fell on deaf ears as he took hold of their wrist.

"I can't believe it was you all along."

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