Misery Loves Company | Tony Stark | Dark AU

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Pairing: Tony Stark x reader
Warnings: dark themes, stalkerish behaviour, obsession, drugging, needles, mentions of Tony's past trauma
Requested by: no one
Pronouns: They/Them
Authors note: Got the idea from the film of my favourite book Misery. This is my first Dark!character fic so I hope it's alright.

Tony Stark, Iron Man. Genius billionaire playboy philanthropist. A man that overcame his pettiness and started saving the world. There are very few people that know Tony better than that. Unfortunately, Y/N L/N was not one of those people, atleast not at first.

The two were only a couple of years apart in age, but their lives couldn't have been more different.

Y/N was a published author working part time at a local cafe for inspiration; the chances of their paths ever crossing was incredible unlikely but it seemed the universe had other plans.


Tony's day had gone from bad to worse. He'd gotten little sleep due to nightmares followed by back to back meetings and when he finally found some time to himself he spent it avoiding paparazzi. It wasn't until he stumbled upon a hole in the wall cafe that he felt like he could finally breathe.

Astraea's was it's name, the perfect place to hide from prying eyes.

The bell above the door jingled as Tony walked in. There was one person stood behind the counter and only a few other customers.

He only orders himself a coffee, looking down at their name tag as he does. Scribbled in black permanant marker it said Y/N.

Taking his drink to go, Tony paid and didn't think about this encounter until he got back to the tower.

He didn't know if it was their kind smile or the lack of sleep but Tony got an unusual feeling whenever he thought of them. He couldn't understand what was wrong and wanted to find out, so he went back to Astraea's as soon as he got the chance.


Maybe it happened when Tony was in Afghanistan, maybe it was after he fell though the worm hole over New York. Or maybe it was when Dum-E hit him over the head with a fire extinguisher last autumn or maybe it had always been there. A primitive urge to take what he wanted most and hide it away from the rest of the world.

It took a while for Tony to come to terms with his newfound feelings for Y/N, but he never really did understand how unhealthy they were. If he did maybe he would have realised what was so wrong with them.


Y/N didn't even need to look up to see who it was as the bell chimed above the door. He came in at the same time every day, ordered the same drink and sometimes a slice whichever cake looked the best. "Morning Mr Stark."

"How many times? Call me Tony."

"The usual Tony?" They reply, sliding a piece of paper into their book.

"You know me so well." His signature grin spreads across his face as Y/N turns pulls a mug off the shelf.

"What's this you've been reading?" He picks up the discarded book.


"Is it good?" He asks, reading the blurb.

"It's actually one of my favourites."


The only thing that could be heard was the murmuring city and furious tapping of keys as Y/N tried to finish their latest draft. Relief washed over them as they could finally stop working for the night.

Leaving their little office in the spare room, they begun walking to their bedroom until a noise from the kitchen stops them. The sound of footsteps too heavy to be from upstairs.

As they walk forwards the dim lights from the streets below reveal the man standing in their flat. "Mr Stark, what are you doing here?"

"I thought I told you to call me Tony."

"You did but this isn't really a situation that calls for first names." Taking a step back, they collide with something solid.

"I suppose you have a point." Metal arms wrap around Y/N from behind as Tony walks up to them, pulling something out of his pocket. "So I'll allow it, for now."

"What is that?"

"Just a light sedative. It'll knock you out for a few hours so I can get you back to mine without any problems."

"No- Mr Stark, please." Y/N pushes their head away from him until it collides with metal.

Tony grips their chin to hold them in place. "Don't worry Y/N, this won't hurt a bit." Turning their head away he pushes the needle into their neck.


The door creaking open is what wakes Y/N up. Blinking a few times, they let their eyes adjust to the new level of light and focus on Tony's figure sitting down on the unfamiliar bed.

"How are you feeling sweetheart?" 

"Why am I here Mr Stark?"

"Still pretty groggy huh? Well I've got just the thing to cheer you up. Follow me. And you know I told you to call me Tony."

Y/N slowly climbs out of bed and follows him into another room.

The entire room is filled with natural light flowing through the floor to ceiling windows. A table and chairs has been pushed up against them and a black typewriter sits on top.

"Here I've got you everything you need. Typewriter, paper, pencils, other writing stuff. And it's all by this window so you'll have something interesting to look at." Tony watches as they look over the desk, paying close attention to the paper. "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, everything's fine." Y/N says, averting their gaze to the streets far below them both.

"Tell me."

"It- it's the paper. I can't use it in a typewriter. It smudges."

He walks to their side, grabbing a piece of paper off the pile. "It doesn't smudge, it can't. That was the most expensive paper I could find so quickly."

"Look, I'll show you." Taking the piece from his hand, Y/N puts it in and types smudge before pulling it out. They run their fingers over the word, smearing ink around it. "See? The most expensive stuff isn't always the best."

Tony reaches forward and runs his fingers across the ink, seeing the same thing happen. "Well, we can't have that. I'll get you a different brand." He goes to grab the stack of paper but Y/N stops him.

"You really don't need to worry about it, Tony. I can still write in pencil."

"No no. That won't do. If you want to write, I'll get you better paper."


"No buts. You only deserve the best and that's what you'll get."

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