Chapter Thirty Seven

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The next week seemed to just be a blur of dropping the kids to Krissy, sitting at the hospital all day, picking the kids up and trying to get the house ready for dad to come home.

Shelly wasn't helping my stress by calling every five minutes with problems or questions about tiles, and flooring. I need this big job for the Marks home financially but I didn't need all the stress it was causing.

Janet and I were taking turns at the hospital in shifts with dad. Since I had the kids she was staying with him in the evenings into the night and I was up there during the day. I made a mental note to do something really nice to thank Krissy and Hunter for all the help they have been.

Vanessa seemed to have been warming up to Ethan and couldn't wait everyday to get over to their house. She was spending an hour in the bathroom getting ready.

"Vanessa hurry up, I need to get to the hospital."

"Ok mom I'm coming, I'll be right down."

Just then Max came running through the front door. "Mom there is someone here."

"What do you mean, there someone here. I looked out of the window and there was a blue SUV coming down the driveway.

"Max, go hurry up your sister so I can go see what this is about." I laid the dish towel on the arm of the couch and walked out on the porch.

Within an instant my heart sank and became so happy with glee at the same time. I felt like smiling and vomiting at the same time. There was Trent, stepping out of the SUV with a bouquet of flowers in his hand and a grin from ear to ear.

Mother fucker, this was not what I needed in my life at all. I didn't think I could handle any more stress. I stood on the porch with my arms crossed and his expression immediately changed.

"Are you not happy to see me?"

"I thought we talked about this Trent, it just isn't good timing."

"Well the timing is never going to be right and I wanted to be here for you tomorrow well your dad had his surgery. Most girls would be running into someone's arms wanting to be here in support."

"Well I'm not most girls am I." I took one step down and continued to keep my defenses up. Just then Max came running out behind me.

"Who are you?" He asked in an untrusting tone.

"It's no one Max go in the house with your sisters." I walked down the rest of the step towards Trent.

"Look go to your moms and I will come by there to talk to you later. I'm late going up to the hospital. I still have to drop the kids off to Krissy's"

"I'll go with you, I would love to see Krissy and Hunter."

"You're probably tired from the trip."

"I slept on the plane. Come on, you can tell the kids I am an old friend of your father's."

"I don't need dad asking any questions. I don't want to stress him out right now."

"You dad and I have been fine for years. I come see him every time I'm back home."

"God damn it Trent, I just need you to go to your mother's house. I will come over later."

"No, Brooklyn, what is your problem. Are you embarrassed of me. You know I haven't been a screw up in a long time. People here know me. I come back all the time, unlike your sixteen years of being MIA."

"No, I'm not embarrassed of you at all. I just don't have time to explain this. Please just go to your moms."

"Ok I can see I am upsetting you and that was not my intention by coming here. I came to help you."

"Thank you. Go get a shower and we will talk this evening. We can go out to dinner. How does that sound?" This seemed to appease him for the moment. He leaned in to give me a kiss on the cheek and was just about to get in his car when he realized he still didn't give me the flowers. At the same time he turned around. The one thing I was trying to prevent blew up in my face.

"Mom, what are you doing? I thought we were in a hurry to leave! Oh, whose that."

"I bit my lip so hard I thought I was going to draw blood."

"Don't worry about it Vanessa, go back in the house!"

"But mom, I am going to be late, Ethan and his friends are taking me skating."

"Vanessa get back in the goddamn house! NOW!"

I looked up at Trent's face, and the horror in his eyes told me everything I needed to know. That he saw it at that moment. He saw why I was keeping him at arms distance. Why I kept putting off seeing each other since Fiji.


There was no lying now, I took a deep breath and just let the shit hit the fan. "That's my daughter, Vanessa."

He didn't speak, he just stood there staring at the door she had just walked through. He had dropped the flowers in the driveway then began to pace back and forth. "PLEASE TELL ME THAT MY EYES ARE JUST TIRED FROM FLYING. TELL ME BROOKLYN THAT SHE DOES NOT, SHE'S NOT."

I couldn't give him the answers he wanted to hear, and before I could give him any he went into a rage. "BROOKLYN, THAT'S MY DAMN KID ISN'T IT? I MEAN LOOK AT HER SHE IS A CLONE OF ME AT FIFTEEN." After that statement he calmed down a minute. "She's fifteen right?" I just nodded.

"Ok I was worried there for a minute."

"She'll be Sixteen in a few months."

"SLOW DOWN, LET ME THINK FOR A MINUTE." I knew he was mad and he had every right to be. I didn't know how I was going to get out of this. Truth was all I could do from this moment on.


I gulped the stomach acid back down that was trying to stop it from coming out as vomit on his shoe. "Yes." I didn't know what else to say, I couldn't lie, I mean he is right she has always looked like him.

"You hid from me for over fifteen years that I had a child."

"Yes, but you have to understand."

"Understand what Brooklyn, understand that you lied to me in Fiji, you kept this from me. Who all knows, does your dad know. Am I like the laughing stock? The dead beat dad!"

"No, my dad never knew. Only Shelly and Elliott knew."

"Shelly has known this whole time and she and Ed failed to say anything in Fiji. Oh this makes sense now why she was so hateful to me."

I stood there and let him yell at me, I didn't know what else to do at this point. There was no way I could say anything to make this right. Of course it didn't stop me from trying.

"You have to see where I was coming from. I thought you were marrying Madison, I thought she was pregnant. It happened that night on the hill. I didn't even know till weeks after I left."

"That's bullshit Brooke and you know it. You ran, you didn't even trust in me to be a good guy. You saw the first possible disappointment and assumed I was capable. Now you have stripped me of ever even knowning my fucking kid."

I tried to grab his arm, "Please Trent, please let's talk about this."

"Get off me, I have nothing to say to you." with that he got into his SUV and spun tires out of the driveway. I stood there, tears pouring out of my eyes watching him drive away down the street. I turned around to head back in the house and there stood an even more Tear struck Vanessa. "Did he just say he was my dad?"

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