Chapter Twenty Seven

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As soon as I entered my room I darted to the nightstand to grab my phone. I must have had more than a dozen missed calls and texts from Shelly. Before I even got a chance to check to see if dad or the kids texted I had to call her. Since her last text stated she was going to call the police if I didn't answer soon.

"Hey Shell, why are you blowing me up on your honeymoon?"

"I didn't want you to be stuck alone in your room, working during your vacation."

"I am not a loser Shell. I wasn't stuck in my room nor was I working." I think she could sense the annoyance in my voice to her assumptions.

"Then what were you doing all day that I couldn't reach you?"

"Not that it is any of your business what I do, but I forgot my phone in my room when I came to change for parasailing." Her abrupt, sarcastic laugh didn't help my mood with her any more. "Yeah ok, you went parasailing! You don't have to lie to me. I know you probably got a lot of emails out today."

"No, actually I didn't do any work. Since you are so nosey I went parasailing, rode a jet ski, swam in the ocean ate pizza, and now I am hanging up so I can call my kids. Enjoy your honeymoon Shelly and stop worrying about me. Loves ya." Before she could even respond I disconnected the call. I looked over at Trent and he was smirking at me. "And what is your deal?"

"I just noticed that you didn't mention me being with you."

"Oh it isn't anything personal, I honestly just didn't want to deal with Shelly. I have had an amazing day." I walked over to him and gave him a quick kiss on his pouty lips. I could get used to this, being able to kiss Trent's lips whenever I wanted to. Too used to it.

I gathered all my stuff and threw it in my suitcase. Trent grabbed my dress from the wedding and we headed back to his room.

It took some bargaining but I finally talked him into letting me take a shower by myself so that I could shave. After showering and cleaning up I scooped up my hair into a messy bun and put on one of his t-shirts taking a second to enjoy the smell. I gathered all my stuff out of the bath and made my way into the main room to drop it off.

When I walked out of the bathroom Trent was hard at work. His laptop in front of him clicking away at the keyboard. No notice that I even walked back in the room. I stood in the doorway for a moment just looking at him. Never did I think that the crazy rebellious boy I fell in love with would become this marvel of a man. Even when he worked he looked amazing.

"That was a quick shower, I'm sorry I thought I could get some emails done." When he looked up I saw his wire rimmed glasses. "Since when did you need glasses?"

"Since I got old." He whisked his glasses off his face and went to close his laptop. "I'll put this away for the evening."

"Don't stop on my account, I really should do some work as well. If you don't mind if I join you at the table?" He moved his disheveled pile of papers over to make room for me. I grabbed my laptop out of my bag and set up shop across from him. "And just for the record I think your glasses are hot." He smiled up at me and went to the screen.

It was a good thing I checked on my emails, my inbox was bursting at the seams. We sat there for a long time clicking away in unison. It was dead silent with the exception of the little giggles that would escape my mouth everytime he would rub his foot up my leg. Which was accompanied with a slight moan after his toes slid between my thighs.

I could do this the rest of my life. I picture it in my head, the two of us settling in to do some work at night after the kids are in bed. Then reality kicked in and I remembered I had kids. Well I didn't exactly forget I had kids, I was just lost in the moment. I moved back up in my chair and closed my thighs a little more. I can't afford to lose myself too much in these moments with Trent. Only a couple more days and I will be back in real life and this fantasy will feel like nothing but a dream.

Trent looked up at me. "Is something wrong?" I wanted to tell him that yes a lot was wrong. I wanted to tell him that I knew I shouldn't be here. I even briefly thought about moving my stuff back to my own room before I quickly shook that out of my head. "No just getting tunnel vision."

Looking up at the clock Trent stood up and stretched. "Wow it is nine. I didn't realize I worked that long. I'm sorry Brookie.

"Don't be sorry, I didn't mind. I was working too. I actually kind of thought it was nice. "

"So did I." He walked over and pulled me up out of the chair. "But you know what they say?"

"No I don't. Why don't you enlighten me."

"All work and no play." In a split second Trent had me in the air with my legs once again wrapped around him. We fell into a deep passionate, sexual kiss. I could feel his strong muscles baring my weight. His manhood was swelling beneath those swim shorts and I could feel its pulses against my skin. Only protected by the lace of my underwear.

He moved down to my neck, my ears and my collarbone. I was now pulsing under that lace. I could feel how warm and moist I was becoming. How powerless I was to having any self control with him. I battled hard to do it, but I wiggled out of his grip. Which made him pulse more. He was so hard, and it was becoming a true war inside my head of what to do. Finally common sense won. "Whoa stud! Let's slow down for a moment."

Trent backed off from me. He looked like he just got done running miles. His cheeks were flushed, his chest heaving with each breath. Knowing that I could do that to him made me want to just jump back into his arms. Behave Brooklyn, don't do anything you will regret, I kept telling myself.

He ran his fingers through his hair. I almost gave in again. "You're right, we should be careful. But you are just so damn sexy!" He moved towards me again and bent in to kiss me. I smiled back at him. He leaned across me to set his glasses on the table. "I am going to get a shower." He cocked a half smile at me that you knew had a lot of suggestions behind it. "I am going to curl up with my tablet and read some of my books. Well you go take that shower."

He turned on his heels towards the bathroom with a wounded puppy look in his eyes. You would have thought someone took his favorite toy. I grabbed my tablet, laid on the bed and couldn't even tell you how quickly I fell asleep.

I dreamed of a life with Trent. How it could have been if we would've been together. A life that I had often thought about in the beginning. Though my thoughts were of a different Trent back then, which made it a little easier to shake them off and come back to the life I actually had with Elliott. Now I see the man he became and I learned the truth to the lies I lived with for so long. It was a lot harder for me to not long for that life.  

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