Chapter 7

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Five months had past since Mayor Goodway and Dylon made the deal. Ever since then, Dylon had not been seen anywhere.
Ryder and the pups checked his house but he was no where to be found. Ryder suspected that Dylon had launched the rocket into space. Mayor Goodway deeply regretted accepting the deal. Her act only supported Dylon's evil plan. Ryder tried throwing aside the thoughts of Dylon plotting something evil against him and the thoughts of his parents being in Adventure Bay.
But no matter how he tried to throw aside those thoughts, he just couldn't. Knowing that Dylon was up to a plan and something could happen at any moment, made Ryder feel very uneasy.

About his parents, they at least called him three times in one day which was pushing Ryder to his limits of patience.
Despite all this stress, Ryder's pups kept him going with his life and happy even though his moods were off balance.

Ryder and his pups were in the TV room, the pups were playing Pup Pup Boogie while Ryder was just standing by and watching them.
"I'll go against Marshall" Chase said.
"You just picked the toughest opponent" Marshall laughed as he walked forward. "I don't think so, I'm actually the toughest opponent here" Chase puffed out his chest with pride.

"You just thought wrong because I'm actually the one who plays Pup Pup Boogie the best" Skye boasted. "That is quite true" Rocky agreed. "I agwee" Zuma said.
"Everyone move aside! The pro at Pup Pup Boogie is coming in!" Rubble barked, who had been eating a pup-treat.
Ryder watched his pups as they all argued who was the best player. He felt a deep love overwhelm his heart as he gazed over six adorable, fluffy, fuzzy, cute pups.

Their was nobody on this earth that Ryder loved more than his pups. Suddenly his pup-pad as usual, interrupted his peaceful and happy mood. Ryder took it out of his pocket, only to see that it was Jessie calling.
As much as he didn't want to answer the call, he had no way to avoid it.
What if his parents were calling because they needed rescuing?

Ryder inhaled a deep breath. "Stay calm, stay calm" he told himself. He answered Jessie's call. "Hey Jessie, what do you want?" Ryder asked. "How many did I tell you to stop calling me by my name?" Jessie asked.
"If you don't need rescuing, then bye" Ryder said. "Ryder, you should come see your sister, Amy. It would be really nice for Amy to meet her brother and for you to meet your sister" Jessie said.
"She's not my sister, bye" and with that, Ryder hung up the call. Just as he was about to put his pup-pad back in his pocket, Katie started calling. Ryder answered her call.

"Hey Katie, what's up?" Ryder asked. "I was thinking about having a picnic in the park with you and the pups. I know you've been stress lately, maybe a little break will lighten your mood" Katie said.
"Well, I haven't got any calls today. So I guess that's a pretty nice idea. When are you planning to have the picnic?" Ryder asked. "Maybe now, if that suits you?" Katie said. "Alright, we're coming" Ryder said, then ended the call.

"Pups, Katie invited us to a picnic at the park" Ryder announced. "A picnic! That's pawsome because I'm starving!" Rubble rubbed his stomach. "Yaya!" Skye performed a flip. "Sounds great to me" Chase said.
"Let's go! What are you we waiting for?" Rocky said.

Ryder and his walked to the park, Katie had got their before them. The picnic blanket was laid out on the grass and the basket sat on the blanket.
"Hi Ryder" Katie greeted. "Hi Katie" Ryder said, as he approached the picnic area. "How've you been feeling lately?" Katie asked, as Ryder sat down along with the pups.

"My mood has been off balance. Sometimes I'm happy and then I just suddenly become stress" Ryder said.
"If it weren't for my pups, I would've went insane". Katie giggled as she took some turkey sandwiches out of the basket. Rubble's mouth was watering at the sight of sandwiches.

Katie handed everyone a sandwich and juice. She also brought chips. "Do you get tired of rescuing everyday?" Katie asked.
"No way, I love rescuing" Ryder said. "I don't understand. You probably receive one hundred calls in a day, and sometimes even in the night, how do you not get tired?" Katie said.

"Sometimes I do get tired but when you love something a lot, you never get tired of doing that thing" Ryder explained.
"You are right because I love dealing with animals and I never get tired of my job" Katie said. "That's a great comparison" Ryder said, as he bit into his sandwich.
"And plus, seeing my pups everyday is what keeps me going and is what makes me love my job even more".
"I think it's so cute how you and your pups have such a strong bond. I love Cali with all my heart but I sometimes think that you love your pups more than I love Cali" Katie said.

"Perhaps that is true. My pups were the only ones I had during the those hard and painful times of my life. During those times, I had no one to talk to and no one to keep me happy. My pups never failed to make me feel better" Ryder said.

And so, Ryder, Katie, Cali and the pups spent their day in the park. After eating, everyone played a game of tag.
Once they tired of tag, Katie threw a frisbee while Ryder and his pups ran to catch it. Cali just sat by and watched them run after the frisbee. She was a cat and frisbee didn't grasp her interest.
After they tired of frisbee, everyone lined in position for a race. Ryder in the end took victory although taking victory was tough because Chase wasn't easy to beat.

Everyones energy was drained after so much physical activity. By the time they finished playing around the park, the sun had started setting.
Ryder, his pups, Katie and her cat rested their tired selves on the picnic blanket, watching the sun fall from the sky.
Once it completely fell and the light faded, allowing darkness to take over, Ryder and his pups bid farewell to Katie and returned to the Lookout.

Ryder said goodnight to his pups and then went inside the Lookout, to his room. He was feeling happy and peaceful, for today he had a great day.

Meanwhile in the midst of space, a rocket was heading to the planet Pluto, which is the farthest planet from earth. It's so far, that even through the largest telescope, it only appears to be a speck of light. Planet Pluto is also the hardest planet to get to.
"Hahaha! My plan is going in my favor!" Dylon said, who was controlling the rocket. "No one can stop mighty Dylon! Hold on, is that Planet Pluto?".

"YES! I have finally reached my destination after five months" Dylon said. He landed his rocket on the planet and then stepped out. Hundreds of creepy and scary aliens were scattered across the planet.
In the center, there was a large building which was the aliens home and headquarters.
Dylon put on a deep frown and throbbed toward the large building, with a handgun in his hand.
The aliens backed off in fear that he might shoot one of them. "Follow me, aliens. You have nothing to fear from me" Dylon said. The aliens started following Dylon into the headquarters.

Dylon turned to them and stared with a serious look. Millions of aliens assembled around the one human. "I have come here to warn you guys that human-beings are coming to destroy Planet Pluto and kill all of you" Dylon began.

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