Chapter 18

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The ground beneath Ryder began to rumble and shake. The castle started losing balance. Bricks started falling from the ceiling and the walls of the castle looked as if they were about to fall. "Oh no, I better get out of here" Ryder said, his brown eyes filled with panic as he started running toward the exit.
"Ryder!" Phantom yelled, who saw the castle falling. "Get off of me, you bunch of nasty aliens!". "Ryder!" Katie screamed from the Air Patroller. "We have to do something!".
"Like what?" Danny asked.

"I have an idea" Lily said. "Robo-dog, fly the Air Patroller into the castle!". "Lily, Robo-dog is programmed to only obey Ryder. He doesn't respond to any other voices" Katie explained. "Great" Lily slapped her forehead.
"What are we gonna do now?".

As Ryder was running, he had an idea. He knew the Air Patroller was still on ground and he knew that if it stood there any longer, aliens would attack it.
So he called the big screen in the Air Patroller. "Robo-dog, fly the Air Patroller to safety" Ryder commanded. "Ryder, what about you?" Katie asked. "I'm fine" then Ryder hung up.
At the hearing of Ryder's voice, Robo-dog barked and the Air Patroller took off.

As Ryder continued running, he was grateful that he was wearing his air rescue gear because when a stone hit his head, it didn't hurt due to him having his air rescue helmet on.  "I have an idea. I can fly out of here" Ryder said. He activated his jet-pack and wings. But just as he was about to fly out, the castle started coming down.

Phantom flung all of the aliens and started running to the falling castle. "Ryder! I'm coming!" Phantom shouted.
He suddenly halted when a much bigger alien stood in his way. "Get out of my way! I have to save Ryder!" Phantom screamed.
"I see, you've befriended that boy after I tried to kill him that day and you protected him" RazorFang said. "Yes I did" Phantom punched RazorFang in the chest. The black alien was sent gasping for oxygen.
Phantom quickly ran into the falling castle, using his extra arms to push aside falling bricks and debris.

"Ryder!" he called. Soon the whole castle came down. Phantom was buried under, but he used his big body to push his way out of the fallen castle.
Meanwhile in Foggy Bottom, Mayor Humdinger was calling Dylon. His call was answered.
"Hey Dylon" Mayor Humdinger said.
"Hi Mayor Humdinger, how's the plan on capturing Ryder going?" Dylon asked.
"I called to tell you that I'm not working with you anymore" Mayor Humdinger said.
"WHAT?!" Dylon gasped.

"I have a better plan and plus I don't need some fifteen year old boy bossing me around and telling me what to do. I have a better plan than yours. Me, my nephew, and my kittens are a formidable team, we don't need anyone else" Mayor Humdinger explained.
"Fine, I don't need your help either. Bye!" Dylon raised his tone.

"That was an easy phone call" Mayor Humdinger put his phone in his pocket. "But I know Dylon is now gonna be sending his aliens to Foggy Bottom".
"Who's gonna be in charge while your gone trying to win the election?" Harold asked. "You, your my assistant mayor" Mayor Humdinger pointed. "I'm about to leave right now because the first part of my plan has been done, and that was telling Dylon that I'm not working on his side anymore. When I leave, tell the army to be on watch and ready to fight. I'm leaving now".

"Alright" Harold said. "Come on kitties. Let's get in my blimp and fly over to Adventure City. I need to win this election" Mayor Humdinger said, pulling his mustache.

Phantom freed himself from the enormous pile of bricks and debris. "Ryder!" Phantom yelled. He started throwing bricks and digging into the enormous castle wreck.
That's when RazorFang regained consciousness. He saw Phantom looking for Ryder. "I need to bring this stone back to Dylon. He didn't order me to fight with Phantom so I will not do so" RazorFang then took off. Phantom found Ryder under a brick. He lifted the brick and threw it away. "Ryder? Ryder?" Phantom was beginning to panic.

Ryder lay on the ground, his eyes closed. Phantom put his hand on Ryder's chest to see if his heart was still beating. "Good, it's still beating but his heart is beating too slow" Phantom said.
He looked around frantically. He didn't even notice that it was now night. Over the horizon, storm clouds started rolling in. The full moon ducked behind the thick grey clouds.
"I need to find the Air Patroller before the rain falls" Phantom said.
His blank white eyes scanned Barkingburg, which was now destroyed and barren. "Ryder! Wake up!" Phantom shook Ryder lightly.

Then Phantom had an idea. He took Ryder's pup-pad and called the big-screen in the Air Patroller. The Air Patroller had been flying away from Barkingburg when Phantom's call came in. "Phantom, where's Ryder?" Katie asked the alien, who's face appeared on the screen.
"I found him buried under the castle wreck. He's still alive but I think he's lost consciousness" Phantom explained. "Is he injured?" Lily asked. "I don't think so. He looks fine, but I don't know what to do" Phantom said.
"If only Robo-dog would listen to others command" said Lily. "Maybe I can steer the Air Patroller. All I have to do is take Robo-dog off of the seat" Katie said. "Please hurry. It's gonna rain soon" Phantom said.

As Phantom waited for the Air Patroller to arrive, he watched over Ryder. "Ryder, wake up" he said.
That's when Ryder suddenly moved. Phantom's face lit up with excitement. "Ryder!" he cheered. Ryder's brown eyes cracked open as he started gaining consciousness again.
"W-where am I? What's going on?" Ryder asked in a confused voice.
"Ryder, the castle fell on you and you were buried inside. I dug my way through the bricks to find you and then I found you unconscious" Phantom explained.

"Is everybody safe?" Ryder asked, as he started getting up. He felt weak, exhausted, dizzy, and lightheaded. "Everyone is safe but the Air Patroller should be coming back to get us" Phantom said.
Suddenly Ryder's pup-pad started ringing. "Hey Katie" he drowsily said. "Ryder! Are you okay?" Katie's blue eyes were bright with relief. "Yeah, I'm fine" Ryder said.
"That's great! I called to say that I can't steer the Air Patroller. I don't what I'm doing. I need you to command Robo-dog to fly it to you guys" Katie explained.
"Alright, put your phone next to him" Ryder directed. Katie put her phone next to Robo-dog. "Robo-dog, fly the Air Patroller to the castle wreck" Ryder commanded. "Arf arf" Robo-dog barked. He leaped on his seat and steered the Air Patroller in the direction of the castle wreck.

The Air Patroller landed near the fallen castle. The door came down, allowing Ryder and Phantom to get in.
When the Air Patroller took off, that's when the rain started falling. When everyone saw that Ryder was okay, they all started cheering.
Katie ran up to Ryder, her blue eyes sparkling with joy. "Ryder! I'm so happy that your okay!" Katie said. "Ryder is okay!" Lily cheered.
Cloud neighed happily, Lily stroked her horse on the neck.

"Ryder is a hero!" Mayor Goodway screamed. "Ryder, thank you so much for saving me from that alien. I can't believe you actually killed him" Katie suddenly hugged Ryder. Ryder's eyes widened like an O shape.

"Ryder, your the greatest hero" she said. "Thanks Katie" Ryder pulled away from the hug and sat on his seat.
"Anyways, Lily teleport us to Adventure City" Ryder commanded. "Ryder, I don't have the teleporting stone. It just disappeared from my hand" Lily said, "as if something invisible took it". Phantom then started thinking of when he was confronting RazorFang.
As he thought harder about that moment, he remembered that he saw something white in RazorFang's hand but he didn't take a clear notice of it.

"I think RazorFang has the stone" Phantom said. "Who's RazorFang?" Ryder asked. "He's the big black alien that tried to attack you that day and I saved you" Phantom explained.
"How does he have the stone?" Ryder asked. "Maybe he has the same invisibility power as I do" Phantom assumed.
Ryder just sighed tiredly and turned his seat toward the front glass. "Robo-dog, take us to Adventure City" Ryder commanded. 

Phew 😌 I'm so glad that Ryder is okay and not hurt. What a relief!

Things are starting to take an interesting 🧐 turn. Ryder is heading to Adventure City and so is Mayor Humdinger.
Something is definitely going to happen.

Do you think Mayor Humdinger will win the election?

So, what season and episode are you up to in PAW Patrol? I'm up to season 2, episode 13....I think episode 13.

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