Chapter Nine

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Five and I stood up and collected ourselves. 

"Come on. Let's go." Five said as he grabbed my wrist.

"Where are we going now?"

"To the library." Five blinked us away.

We arrived to the library and headed to the 'Advanced Math Equations for College and Up Students.' He then started scanning through all of the books and then picked one up and gave it to me. Another book, two, three, four, five, six. These books were thick as hell, and heavy. I was probably holding about 75 pounds worth of pages and leather. I was just about to drop all of them right before Five took 4 of them.

He then started walking out to the deck and sat down the books and duffle bag. I was right behind him and set down the books in a separate pile across from him. He sat down in the corner and I sat the opposite of him, leaving about 3 feet in between us.

"I need to find out whose death might prevent the apocalypse, that's why we are here." He spoke as he unzipped the bag and took Delores out, setting her on the right of him. 

Five took out the bottle of Vodka and set it in front of Delores, then throwing the bag off of the balcony. Five took two pieces of chalk out his pocket and gave me one.

We both started doing equations on a notebook. Sometimes arguing about little stupid things, but eventually we would just start a new equation. Every time we got frustrated with an equation, or each other, we would take a drink of the Vodka.

"That is supposed to be a 32, not a 45." 

"No it isn't." The boy spoke.

"Yes. It is"

"No-" He erased it and put 32.

"Told ya so."

He then took a drink out of the bottle.

We filled up the entire notebook in about 3 hours. Eventually we had drunk half of the bottle, to the point we were tipsy, me drunk.

"You know Y/N, you don't seem like you have ever been drunk before." Five burped.

"What? I have been drunk!" I said as my body softly swayed.


"Oh, one time I decided to go to a bar with Klaus. That was the only time."

"But when?"

"When we were 23."

"So then only time you have been drunk, was 7 years ago?" He smiled.

"Basically. Yep." I hiccupped.

Five and I had to write on the wall with our chalk. We continued to do equations for about 30 minutes more until I couldn't see straight. At this point we had drunk the whole bottle, us wasted.

"FiVe? i Can'T SeE strAIght."

"mE NeitHer!" 

We started cracking up to the point that our stomachs hurt.

"Can wE do somEthing other than math? I'm borEd." I smiled

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