Chapter Thirty-Nine

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The elevator doors opened and Lila immediately walked down a hallway.

"Where are you going?" I yelled at her.

"Do you expect me to save the world in a bloody towel? I didn't think so." Lila yelled.

"Meet us in the utility room." Five called to Lila.

She waved him off and then used Five's power to blink into a random person's hotel room.

"Actually, I think she's right." Five said to me.

"About what?" I asked as we both walked past the bar, "A threesome?"

"No, I could never do that to you." He got back on topic, "But, if I do know one thing about stopping the apocalypse, it's that when you start fighting it, you don't get to change your clothes very often."

"I suppose you would know about that." I chuckled. "But I am starting to miss your little schoolboy shorts." I teased.

Five scoffed with a grin, and we walked up to the front desk where Chet was. "Excuse me." Five called to Chet.

Chet walked up to us from behind the counter with a smile, "Yes, what can I help you two with?"

"Are there any available suits at this hotel?"

"Yes." Chet responded. "I'll notify the tailor that he has customers." Chet picked up the phone next to him and dialed a number, then spoke to a person on the phone.

"A suit?" I spoke in a low tone, "You really can't go anywhere without a tie."

"Not exactly that, but yes. I do like to travel in my former attire." He grinned at me.

Chet put the phone down, "He should be here any moment to assist you." And he sat back down in his chair, watching the news.

I started listening into the TV, and it was talking about how many people had gone missing within a five block radius. I nudged Five's shoulder, he looked over at me confused, but then he saw what I was looking at. The TV was reporting over 530 people missing since yesterday.

"Shit." Five sighed.

Then an older man that was around 50 or 60 years old came up to us, he was wearing a suit but with the hotel's mustard yellow coat. He had brown hair with big streaks of gray in it, brown eyes and a clean shaved face, "Hello, how may I assist you today?"

"Two suits, please." Five gave him a tight lipped smile.

"Right this way." He started walking, and we followed.

The Tailor walked down a hallway in the opposite way of the lost and found, and where Lila broke into. He brought us to a room with a tag on it that read 'Tailor Lobby.' We walked in the room and set our briefcases down, and it was filled with fabrics, old sewing machines, buttons and everything else to make clothes, but there was also a rack with pre-made suits.

The tailor showed us the rack of suits, "For the both of you, I suggest a large and possibly medium." He took two black suits with waistcoats and white collard shirts, and a tie off the rack and handed them to us, "The changing rooms are over there." He pointed to two stalls with curtains right next to each other.

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