Chapter Sixteen

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It was Valentines Day. All of the Academy had just finished another bank robbery. For one of the first time's, Dad had let all of us have the evening off. It was about 6:30pm when me and all of my siblings met up in my room for a little fun.

I decorated my room with paper cut hearts and ribbons around my room, hanging from the ceiling with string. I had set cushions in a circle in the middle of my room with names in front of them. The order was, Luther, Allison (For obvious reasons) Klaus, Ben, Diego, Five, Vanya, and me.

They all knocked on my door waiting outside because I said I had a surprise for them earlier.

I walked up to the door and opened it. "Hey guys! Come in." I stepped beside the door to let them all in.

"Oh my gosh you did amazing!" Allison said as she walked around my room and admired all of my decorations.

"Thank you." I smiled.

Everyone else entered the room and looked around in awe.

"Yeah, you did good." Diego looked around.

"Amazing job!" Vanya said as she pulled my into a hug.

"Yeah, but I have one issue." Klaus turned to me.


"Why isn't your seat next to Five's?"

"I just put down the seats and names wherever, I didn't really think much of it."

"Oh, but, you did. You put Allison and Luther next to each other."

"If it makes that much of a difference to you, I'll sit next to him." I shrugged and smiled.

"Oh, yes it does." Klaus smirked at me as he put our name tags next to our cushions next to each other.

After a couple minutes everyone sat down in there spots as I got a box of chocolates out from under my pillow, that I snuck from the kitchen.

"Oooh, where did you get those?" Ben asked me.

"From the back of the kitchen pantry."

"Oh nice!"

A couple of us had some small talk as Diego picked up one of the chocolates.

"You ready Allison?" Diego threw the candy at her mouth and she caught it.

"Aye!" We all exclaimed.

"Alright, alright. Enough of this. Why don't we do something a little more fun?" Klaus excitedly said.

"Like what?" Luther asked.

"Would you rather."

"Sure! Why not?" Ben said excited.

"M-may I ask someone?" Vanya asked quietly.

"Of course Vanya!" I said, proud that she had spoken up.

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