Chapter Twenty-Six

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We had just made it to the building, that was holding the gala. We did make it about 15 minutes earlier than expected, though. There were security guards at the entrance way, and letting all of the fancy rich people out of their car. So basically, everywhere. We obviously couldn't be seen so we decided to hide behind a small concrete wall, a bit of a ways from the main entrance.

We peeked all of our heads above the wall. The coast was clear. First Diego hopped over the wall, then Lila, Five and I lastly. We crouched down and hid behind a near-by car and came up with a plan.

"So, what's the plan?" Lila questioned.

"We infiltrate, we identify, we extract. Double time." Diego said, which made absolutely no sense to Lila, but to Five and I, it did since we knew Diego's way of speaking.

Lila turned her head to Five, who was in front of me. "What the hell's he talking about?"

"Find the old man and get out fast."

Diego turned his head to us in disbelief. "That's what I said. "Follow me."

Diego crouch-walked to the other car in front of us and waited, expecting us to come right away. But we didn't.

"After you." Lila insisted.

We didn't go. We just stared at her, examining her.

"What, I can't be polite?" She said 'innocently.'

"Cut the crap." Five blurted. "All right? My dimwitted brother might buy your bullshit, but we don't trust you for a second."

I'm glad to know that Five knows what I think about her as well. Even though I hadn't even shared my opinions about her with anyone.

Lila turned her head to me, "You too, are you joking me?"

She waited for my response, but instead I winked at her and gave her a sarcastic smile.

"O ye of little faith..."

"Stick it up your ass." Five gave her a dirty smile this time.

She scoffed and crouch-walked over to Diego's car.

I wiped a drop of sweat from Five's face. "We'll deal with her after this." I smiled at him. "Hm?" Before he could answer I kissed him on the cheek and went in front of him to Diego's car, shortly he followed.

And we all walked to the entrance of the building, hearing mariachi bands playing, and acted like we were actually invited. And to our surprise, they just gave us a quick nod and we entered.

As we walked through the doors, there was a waiter at the entrance holding many glasses of champagne on a platter. Diego and Lila ignored him, but Five and I being us of course, we each took a glass. And for some reason the waiter just acted casual, even though two teenagers just took some alcohol from him.

As we walked through the crowd, I kept getting a lot of stares. Mainly by other older teenagers, assumingly that belonged to other parents there. I thought it was because I was holding a glass of champagne, so I quickly chugged it, which probably wasn't the best idea and set it on some furniture.

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