Chapter Nineteen (Season Two)

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I dropped out of the sky into and alleyway, once again turning my body and landing on my feet. It was night time, I had no idea where I was, or when I was. I looked up at the blue vortex in the sky.

"Five! Diego! Anyone?!" I yelled.

But no one was there. 

The portal closed.

I look up to see old camera's taking several photos of me, but I turned away just before they could take any more of me and sprinted off.

I looked around, not one person was in sight. Everything looked weird... old. I could still see in the dark so I ran to the nearest newspaper box and picked one up. I looked at the top right corner with the date.

'June 13, 1963'

As I read these words, my heart dropped.

I continued to look around, to see if anything was open. I walked around for about 20 minutes until I came across an open bar.

I run inside to see a bunch of older men laughing and drinking beer. They all darted their heads towards me and stopped talking as I ran through the door.

I walked up to the only woman, probably in her mid 30's. She wore some baggy jeans with a button up shirt, her hair light brown styled into a bun.

"Excuse me? Could you please tell me where I am?" I asked with desperation in my eyes.

"Little missy, you cant be in here." She said with a southern accent.

"Please just tell me where I am." I said with a tear in my eye.

"Get outta here kid!" One of the old men yelled.

"Yeah! Get out."

"Come on honey." She grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the bar. "Are you lost?"

"No... I just need to know what city and state I'm in." I cocked my head back.

"If I tell you, will you leave?" She asked me slightly annoyed.

I nodded my head.

"We are in Dallas, Texas." 

I looked down and my eyes widened at her words. "T-Thank you."

I started running back I the alleyway of where I appeared. A few minutes later I got there and looked at all of the cameras. I was slightly curious about why they were all there, until I remembered.

'My family could have all landed here... I have to go and find them'

I then started searching for them day and night, looking in newspapers, phone books, anything I could find.


So about 2 weeks later, I gave up.

I went to hotels and people's homes asking them if I could stay for a night but they all shut their doors on me, so, I went off on my own.

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