Chapter Eighteen

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We all ran to the Icarus Theater, which was fortunately only 5 minutes away.

We all rushed into the building and up the stairs. We heard music.

Allison ran in front of Luther and showed him a note.

'I need to go alone'

"Wha- Allison, I cant let you do that, all right? She's beyond reasoning." 

"You hear the music?! Its started." Diego spoke.

"Do you honestly think she's gonna listen? After everything that's happened?" Luther stared at Allison.

"We don't have time for this." I stepped in front of them.

"Keep talking like that and you'll turn into Five's doppelganger." Klaus chuckled.

"Ok..." Luther said as Allison ran up the stairs and to the main part of the theater.

"You're using her as a distraction, aren't you?" Diego watched Allison disappear.

"Our best chance to in capitate Vanya. She'll thank us later."

We all started to walk where Allison went.

"So, what's the plan?" Klaus asked.

"Uh, you wait out front. Go be the lookout." Luther sarcastically smiled.

We all ran up the stairs and left him behind. Number One went to the left side of the stage as Number Two and I went on the right. I saw Allison staring at her from the isle.

I must admit, Vanya was an amazing violinist. I stood there in awe for a moment until I snapped back into reality. Luther then ran from the side of the stage as I followed Diego.

But Vanya stood up sent out a streak of power from her bow, blasting us back into the seats. Everyone started to run away screaming, the orchestra behind her stood up about to leave, but Number Seven sent out another streak of power and light. Making them sit back down and continue to play their instruments.

I sat up from the floor, exhausted from what had just happened.

Vanya walked to the front of the stage and continued to play her violin, as she began to glow into a blue. Her skin white, as well as her eyes.

Diego was yelling for everyone to go and get out of there. But Vanya sent yet another energy blast, but we ducked behind the seats before she could hit us.

"She's stronger than expected." Diego said nervously.


A purse hit Luther's face, and we all looked over to see Allison pissed off at us.

"Yeah. We're fine, thanks for asking." I scoffed.

"Look, I almost lost you once, all right? I wasn't about to lose you again." Luther said.

"Well, so much for the element of surprise. What else you got?"

Allison pounded on the seats to get our attention, she started swinging her arm up and down mimicking the movement of her bow.

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