Chapter 18

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He saw the ReDead standing in front of him and horrified. He tried to get his sword out but found that he couldn't. He stood there frozen. I quickly flew over the ReDead and tried distracting it.

"Hurry Link! Get away!"

"I'm not leaving you!" He pulled out his sword and sliced him in half.

"Link! We need to go before he gets up again."

"Get's up again?"

"ReDead are already dead so they're not going to die if you slice him! He's just going to regenerate and get right back up again!"

"Then we need to get to that next room! And quickly!" Link got up and we went as quickly as possible. The ReDead slowly were heading towards us. Another one grabbed his arm. He cut it's arm off and ran away from it. We got away as fast as we could without the ReDead getting us and falling into the poison. We quickly went into the next room and the door closed behind us. Link bent down to catch his breath.

"Look! It's the light!" Link looked up and was fascinated by it. The light then went and disappeared into the wall with writing on it. "Maybe it's trying to tell us something!" I said.

"Wait. What's that say?" We went closer to the wall until we could see what was written on it.

This poem is dedicated to the memory of the dearly departed members of the Royal Family. The rising sun will eventually set. A newborn's life will fade. From sun to moon. Moon to sun. Give peaceful rest to the living dead.

"This is an interesting poem." I said. "Huh? Something is inscribed on the tombstone. Oh my gosh! It's the secret melody of the Composer Brothers! Link! Play this tune with your ocarina!" Link pulled out his ocarina and played the soft, yet beautiful melody. A light came from the ocarina and quickly disappeared.

"What did it do?"

"Hmmm. I don't know. I guess we'll find out sooner or later."

We found a ladder on the side of the inscribed tombstone and found ourselves outside.

"What the...?"

"It's night already?" Then we heard a voice coming from the tombstone.

"What just happened?" The keeper said.

"Sir." Link said. "Do you have any idea what just happened?"

"What do you mean 'Do I know what just happened'? I can't even explain how the heck it turned from day to night! Didn't you see it?!" We were shocked of how this song must have the power of turning it from day to night!

"These songs that we're learning must have a lot of power to them huh?"

"Link." I said. "You should probably turn it back to day."

"Oh... right." Link said with a smile. He played the Suns song. The sky turned to a bright blue again. The keeper was in shock.

"What the heck! You're the one controlling day and night?! This is unbelievable! How are you doing that?!"

"It's not me. It's this melody that I learned when we went in there. The melody has the power."

"Unbelieveable! Well this'll be somethin' I can tell my grandkids when I go back home later on today!"

"Just make sure no one else knows about this ok?"

"You can count on me!" He smiled with a wink. We went back to the inn and explained to Peach and Rosalina what happened and what we saw down in those rooms.

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