Chapter 37

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Bongo Bongo suddenly disappeared with only his visible hands, which circled around us.

"Look out!" I said. One of Bongo Bongo's hands was about to hit Link until I hit the hand with my blaster. Link looked at me in shock.

"Thanks Samus! That was a close one!" Link said.

Another hand was about to come and hit us. However, Link hit it with his arrow.

"His hands look paralyzed. Link! Use that Lens of Truth again. See if his body is visible." I said. Link looked through.

"I see him!" Link said with shock.

"Use your arrow on it! I'll hold the Lens of Truth for you so that you can see where to hit it." I held onto it as Link fired his arrow at Bongo Bongo's eye. He fell to the ground. "Now hit it with your sword Link!"

Link took a few swings with his sword. We tried again with this strategy and Bongo Bongo backed away. He kept hitting the ground like a drum, but with no steady beat. The beating started to slow down until there was silence. He faded away into a black form like sand.

"This must have been what attacked us in Kakariko Village earlier." I said. A light shone across from us. "Let's go." We walked into the middle of the blue light. We once again were in the Chamber of the Sages. We saw the purple platform shine with light and saw Impa in the middle of it.

"It's you!" Link said.

Impa smirked. "The boy with the noble Zelda's ocarina. As I expected, you have come. I'm not only Princess Zelda's caretaker, but I am also the Sage who guards the Shadow Temple." We stood there in shock. "We Sheikah have served the royalty of Hyrule from generation to generation as attendants. However, on that day, seven years ago, Ganondorf suddenly attacked and Hyrule castle surrendered after a short time. Ganondorf's target was one of the keys to the Sacred Realm. The hidden treasure of the Royal Family. The Ocarina of Time. I tried to hold him off when he tried to hurt the princess, but I was defeated in battle. My duty then bound me to take Zelda out of Ganondorf's reach. When last I saw you, as we made our escape from the castle, you were just a lad. Now I see that you have become a fine hero." Link's face was filled with worry for the princess. "There's nothing to worry about. The princess is safe now." We were filled with relief. "Soon, you'll meet Princess Zelda face to face, and she will explain everything. That is when we, the six Wise Ones, will seal up the Evil King and return peace to Hyrule. We must stop him! Ganondorf has already taken over Hyrule, but he also plans to take over the entire world as well." We stood there with eyes open wide in shock. How could this be? Was he really that powerful that he would be able to take over the entire world?!

"How do you know Sheik?" I said.

Impa smiled. "So you've met Sheik already, huh?" We stood in silence. "She's a very good friend of mine. We go far back. But that's a story she can tell you later. I have to stay here. You go to Princess Zelda's side and protect her on my behalf. Now I put my power, which should be helpful to you, into this medallion."

Impa handed Link a purple medallion.

"The Shadow Medallion!" Navi said. "We just have to find one more medallion and then we can defeat Ganondorf!"

A great light came over us and we suddenly were on the Royal Family platform in front of the entrance.

"Link! Samus! Navi!" Peach said. Peach, Daisy, and Rosalina came over to hug us, filled with excitement.

"We have some information we need to tell all of you." Navi said. "It's worse than we thought." Everyone stood in silence with worry on their faces.

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