Living with both of Them

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So I guess I'll just go ahead and start the story with today. I wake up in my bed next to Jace, I look over at his sleeping face and try to convince myself i love him. But i cant stop from wishing it was Sebastian next to me. "Good morning sweetie" i hear from Jace and mentally sigh at another day i have to spend pretending to love him. "Good morning my love," i practically have to grit my teeth to say it. I lay my hand on his chest in an attempt of affection, and he lays his hand atop mine and sighs. "I love waking up to you," he says sweetly. Oh how it hurts me so, he is so comitted and yet my every thought is devoted to Sebastian. So after a LONG time laying sweetly with Jace we go down to the kitchen (we are still in the house with Sebastian, altho i have already removed their bond without any one besides Sebastian knowing) when we get down there we see Sebastian already cooking, and it takes all i can not to run into his arms for a morning embrace. "Good morning Sebastian, how are you this fine morning?" He responds with the well known guy-ish grunt that could mean any thing from "I'm great" to "i feel like death," oh how it strangely warms my heart. I laugh at his antisocial antics and sit at the table with Jace at my right. " So what have you planned for breakfast, brother?" I ask while admiring his bare chest as he cooks, i see Jace looking at me from the corner of his eyes and i switch my attention to him, and kiss him gently as Sebastian answers. "I have created a VERY intricate and complicated meal," he says as he lays a plate of scrambled eggs in front of me and Jace. "Two more minutes and I'll have bacon ready," i giggle for some strange reason and get a raised eyebrow in return from Jace. Looking at Jace i discuss our plans for the day, "So my love, i think it would be suiting if you went for groceries and me and Sebastian stay behind to clean. This place is a terrible dirty mess," i laugh and kiss Jace's cheek. Trying not to seen excited i stand up and grab Jace's hand and drag him to the door. "I'll text you a list of what we need in just a sec," i say as I practically push him out the door and kiss his forhead "have fun dearest." I lock the door and collapse against it too look at Sebastian, "so we've got a few hours to ourselves, my true love." I walk over to him slowly and wrap my arms around his neck, "what ever SHALL we do?" I ask him in a whisper. "I care not sweetest, so long as you are in my loving arms," he says as he starts to kiss me gently and deeply.

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