All That's Bad Is All That's Lost

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(P.O.V. Clary) I an just thinking about leaving the room, when I hear a knock at the door. "Go away!" I shout, not caring who is beyond the door. "Are you sure you don't wanna see me?" A familiar voice calls and my heart jumps. Sebastian. Before I realize what I've done, the door is open and my warm lips are pressed against Sebastians cool ones. He pulls back first and smirks, "Miss me?" He asks confidently. I go to answer, but find myself nodding instead of telling him off as I had planned. "Yes, I missed you brother. My king." I said the word with so much love I'm suprised I'm the one tht said it. Is it really that bad to be in love with ny brother? Is he really that bad. I'm shocked as the thought goes through my mind. This isn't like me, yet it is exactly me and only ne thinking these crazy thoughts. I must be losing my mind. I finally take this as the answer. But if that's the case, why do I feel so sane? Perhaps because I'm going crazy. But if i were crazy, would I even realize I was crazy? All these thoughts make my head hurt and I eventually give up trying to figure it out. As I come back I see Sebastian staring at me expectantly. "Huh?" I mutter very smoothly. Not. Sebastian sighs at my question, like an impatient teacher. "I saaaid, do you want to go ahead and leave or stay and do some killing?" I shudder at his words. "I-i think we should both just go. It would be for the best," I say thinking of all my family and friends in the conference hall. It would not do at all to attack them. "All right then," he says simply as he takes my hand and we both step back into the realm of the apartment. I stumble on the way through and fall out the other side, knocking Sebastian to the ground, with me on top of him. "A little clumsy are we?" He says, but he doesn't sound annoyed or mad, just slightly amused. He snakes his arms around my waist and pull me down so our noses are just barely touching. I look him dead in the eye, and see. No it isn't possible. I must be going crazy. His eyes were, like a dark green. I mean, they were so dark, they could easily be mistaken for black. But this close up, there was no denying the fact that they were a shade of green. "S-seb-sebastian," I stutter, my hands on either side of his head, inspecting his eyes. "Yes my love," he replies smoothly. "Y-your eyes." I state simply still staring into them. "What about them?" He says still calm and content. "T-there like.. like green," I manage to stumble out. "They're usually all black. But they're dark green." He looks as if he can't decide between weather he's relived or terrifyed I noticed. "Well.." He says, and then pauses. "Well what??" I shout impatiently. "Sorry," I mutter, "but for real. How? And why?" He brings one of his fingers to my lips, hushing me. "I will tell you, but you must listen to the whole story, and nit object or ask until I'm done." I nod my head and wait for him to talk, my body still hovering over his. "I have left the path of Lilith, I fought her and weakened her to the point tht she should not return ever, at least not for hundreds of thousands of years. After that, I poured over hudreds of books looking for a way to remove the demon taint from my blood, without killing myself or my entire essence. I finally found it just a week ago. I started the process the next day. It is not a short nor easy process, but once completed, I will be..normal. I will tell you the process if you want, but it is nothing exciting." He pauses for a breath, I search his eyes for any signs of a lie, yet see none. "The reason I took you to the council today, is because I wanted to prove that I am changing. But I realize now, it may be too late for them to ever accept me. Even if I have changed." He breathes deeply and looks to me for an answer to his story. "Well. I guess all I have to say now, is how are you doing it?" I say as I find myself unconsciously kissing his face all over. I pull away and now it's my turn to look to him for an answer. "Well..."

Boom the end, your welcome, who loves me? I love me. Anyways all my precious readers whom I love so very much. If you like this story, you should definitely check out my newest work of art. 'City of Falling Darkness' I guarantee you won't regret it, and if you do. Well.. I'll give you a cookie *whispers* (not really) HAHA,aren't I quite evil? Anyways, have a mango and a great day/night

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