The Demon Realm

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I wake up and find myself propped up on a tree. I know my first thought should be of what happened or who did this, but all I can think of is the pain in my right arm. I probe my own arm and feel a shift and the bone and know that it is broken. Holding it close to me, in absence of a sling, as I stand and find all of my stuff on the ground in front of me. I pick up my stele and shove it in my pocket, without my right arm it's useless. I pick up my seref blades and smaller daggers as well. I put all away except my smallest dagger and weild it in my left hand. I look around and see my jacket, i grab it and wrap the arms around my neck and lay my arm in the rest of it as a type of sling. The silence of the demon realm is crushing and unwelcome. I stumble forwards unsure and leery of danger, i stumble on a rock and almost fall. I cry out and stop myself only barely, as I look up i see a shadowy figure on the distance. I see it and stumble towards it, thinking that any life in this desolate place is better than none. After what feels like years of walking, the figure appears no closer, yet also no farther. I collapse in exsaughstion, my head landing only inches from a rock. My dry lips hit the even dryer ground as I roll over to avoid injuring my arm any further. Knowing there's no way to get out of the ever shining and burning sun, i simply close my eyes. Even through my eyelids the sun scorches my eyes. I just lay there, trying to sleep, yet unable to. The unbearable sun and excruciating pain in my arm stop me from even being able to think about sleeping. I rest for what I assume is an hour and stand, as I'm standing my hand cracks a stick. I stand up quicker and look around suddenly terrifyed. I see that the figure I was following is gone. I'm not sure whether this scares me or relives me. What I do know is tht i am know lost, for I have no way to know which way I was going or which way i came from. I walk in the general direction that I think the figure was in. I walk until my legs physically give out and i fall to my knees. I close my eyes sobbing, i will never get anywhere, I'm lost forever. I sob until my eyes rub dry, i do not have enough water in my body left for tears. I close my eyes and bow my head to the ever oppressive heat, as I do i feel my consiousness slipping away. Before I black out entirely i feel arms close around me and pick me up. The arms feel familiar, i think as my eyes roll back in my head and I feel myself slipping. Almost like Jace, but that's impossible. I think as I finally slide all the way away, my mind going into a state of almost paralysis. I am unable to think of anything, and i am only aware of this, nothing else.

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