Falling Inside the Black

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(P.O.V Clary) As I tumble down the stairs, I can't help but think how much I've wronged Jace.. All I've done is hurt him, this is how I should end.. if I die now, maybe he'll be okay. I know my thoughts are irrational, but I can't help thinking like that. I can feel my head hitting every step, but it doesn't hurt anymore. I can feel the slickness of my blood running down my arms and across my chest. I can also hear Sebastian descending the stairs behind me. I can't even try to care, all i care about it Jace... he was in there... he saw... he saw me with him, with Sebastian. I can't begin to understand how Jace feels, i just know that I want to be dead. Guess it's a good thing I'm bleeding so much on the steps. Maybe it's better this way. As I finally reach the bottom of the spiral stairs, I roll for a little while longer, not able to move my body. It's almost like I'm watching the world from a strangers body, seeing all, yet unable to move. I hear Sebastians bare feet hit the marble floors with dull slaps, he chuckles lightly as he looks over my mostly naked body. "Oh dear sister, is such a shame you had to go out like this." He says as he kneels beside me, his white suit staining red as I bleed onto the ground. "Perhaps, i can try yo tame you one more." He says as he lifts me up into his arms, carrying me to a completely different section of the castle. He carries me down stairs this time, down down down. I just think of a saying brought up so much, too much, in Clare sayings. The decent into hell is easy. I close my eyes against the opressivness of the complete darkness. I feel as we eventually level out, on flat ground now, he lays me down on a bed. I open my eyes, the entire room is black, and not dark.. actually the color black. From the walls, to the bed, to the carpet and clothes everywhere. The only color in the room is Sebastian, looking like an avenging angel in his white blood stained suit. The only source of light in the room, is and suprisingly modern black stainless steel lamp. Sebastian walks over sitting on the bed next to me, my body subconsciously finches away. He looks hurt at this, how is this the same boy he just pushed me down the stairs almost killing me. "Clary, " he begins as he cleans my forhead off with a warm damp washcloth. "Clary...I'm so sorry... i wish the bay could be ours.. but even that night in Prague, you stayed with Jace.. you never even thought about me." He looks actually pained. "Clary.. you don't knkw how much I wish the baby was ours... but... it's not... and there's nothing I can do to change this."  I look up at him, still unable to move, or even so much as to speak. He just sighs at me not responding, and stands and walks to the door. "You can stay in this room until your well.. and then.. you can move to a different room." He leaves the room, closing the door gently behind him. Part of me wishes I could get up and follow him, the other part is glad he left.                -------------------------------------------------            (P.O.V. Jace)
I pound against the glass harder and harder with each passing second. After 5 minuets of eerie silence, my pounding eventually causes my knuckles to start bleeeding. I stop knowing it's not use, "that son of a bitch."  I growl through my teeth, referring to Sebastian. I eventually sit on the carpet floor and wait for his inevitable return. As I predicted he comes back and grins at me through the glass. "Sorry for that little lovers spat." He says with no remorse. I growl "Lovers spat? Well she beat your ass pretty good for a petite girl with no training." His look darkens, and i can feel as he undoes the mirror box around me. I lunge at him before he even has a chance to touch me. I wrestle him to the ground holding his throat, he punches and hits me, but without a weapons his strikes do no good. He soon stops struggling, assuming him dead, I run out of the room in search for Clary.."CLARY! CLARY?!" I yell her name over and over to no prevail. Eventually I hear the slap of bare feet running, assuming it is Clary I turn and run towards the sound. The sound gets closer and closer, my heart is jumping out of my chest, before I aproach the fast appearing figure. As it comes up closer, I see it's not Clary, it's actually Sebastian.
And he's got... is that the mortal cup? As he gets closer he jumps and tackles me with unearthly speed. He forces the stage chalice between my lips, trying to get me to drink it. I push him off of me wiping my lips profusely. "What the Hell man?" I ask actually confused. "I'm already a shadowhunter." He laughs and stands looking casual, but a small look at his muscles shows he tense and ready to pounce. "This is not your simple Moral cup. This is the Infernal cup, creator of reverse shadowhunters. It's demonic alliance making it 10 fold that of the Mortal cup." He lunges at me again. Before I can think i have run out of the castle doors, into the barren wasteland that is the demon realm. I don't make it far before I fall into a dark hole. I fall down and down into these endless darkness. What is this? That's my last concious thought as I eventually pass out, falling down there hole.

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