The Council

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(P.O.V. Clary)                          As he pulls the shirt off of me, I can't help but feel slightly guilty. Jace is out there, possibly dead, and where am I? I'm... well let's not put it into words.... Who cares, Jace ran away without you... you don't need him. I try to convince myself this as Sebastians lips slide across the now bare skin of my stomach, causing goosebumps to rise on my body. I shiver as I run my fingers through his hair, I pull his head up and pull him into me, crashing our lips together in a painful struggle of dominance. I finally let him win, allowing him entrance to my mouth. He takes his time exploring every inch with his tongue. I wrap my arms around his neck, my fingers sliding into his hair. I slide my hands down his back until I reach the towel still wrapped around him. I am about to pull it off as he pulls away chuckling. "Tsk Tsk, can't have that happening little sister, we have much more important things to do." I am shell shocked by his words, "Do I have to repeat myself? Get out and get ready." I stand shakily, not sure what happened, I reach for the tee shirt and Sebastian grabs my wrist. "I do belive that is mine." He growls "B-but... I-I need something to wear back," I stutter. "You really don't though, you look sexy and you're the queen, they must learn to expect your glory. Oh, and I love those panties." He says smoothly as he pushes me out the door with a wink. "Ask the guard for your dress for tonight, and meet me in the dining room at 8, or I WILL have gaurds come get you, ready or not." I stare blankly at the solid oak door that slams in my face, before I realize I'm standing in the hallway in nothing but my simple bra and panties. I scurry down into the hallway leading to my- Sebastians- room. As I do, I catch the guards eye, or more correctly my body catches his eye before I start talking. "I.. um.. Sebastian said.. that.. um.. i need the.. um.. dress.. ya.. have it ready" I say trying to sound fierce, most likely failing and stalk away into the grand room. I close the door gently behind me and sag behind it, the butterflies from being with HIM still in my stomach. I sink down to the floor, letting my head fall back against the door. I jump when I hear a knock and jump up, flinging the door wide open. Behind it is the guard, holding a red velvety looking dress, his eyes slowly rake up and down my body as he hands me the dress. "Thanks," I snatch it away and slam the door in his face, the dress suprisingly feels silky. I sigh and dig in the drawer of panties and thankfully find a bra matching the panties I had picked earlier. After I throw them and the dress on and walk out the door, walking stiffly past the guard, without sparing him even a glance. I can feel his eyes resting on me once I'm past and I do my best not to run the rest of the way down the hall. I make it into the dining room at exactly 8, Sebastian stands already waiting for my, leaned casually on the table. I take all of him in, the dark crimson suit, almost the color of blood, that sets off my slightly lighter, ruby colored, dress perfectly. He sees me and his face lights up, changing from the face of a troubled man to am excited young boy. He holds his arm out for me and I take it, "Where are we going?" I ask, curiosity getting the best of me. "You'll see my angelic queen," he answers simply. We walk out of the door of the apartment (a portal) and I find myself tumbling through the dark clutching tightly at Sebastians arm. As we finally land my vision swims, I can't tell where we are, I can only hear the sounds of people around me. "Clary?" Oh god. Jace. Jace is here. What now? That's all I can think as my vision clears and I see myself standing in the center of the Council, the eyes of every shadowhunter taking in me and my brother. I can see my mother silently crying as Luke holds her and glares at Sebastian. I see Alec staring blankly, Isabelle looking ready to slice Sebastians hand off again. I can even bring myself to look at where I know Jace is standing. What have I done?

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