Evil Magics

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I open my eyes slowly, I feel groggy, my vision swimming. I try to sit up, and find myself unable to move any part of my body. I can hear voices they sound distant though. And all my vision helps me with, it to see the gray stone ceiling, of wherever I am. I don't panic, even as I realize I'm in an unfamiliar place, i feel almost sereal. I am about to try to move again, when I feel a strange feeling in the stomach. It causes me to gasp lightly, it felt like something...moving, I shudder at the thought. That's impossible, me and Sebastian never actually, DID anything. Did we? I am about to try and remeber, when my vision starts blurring again, and it soon starts darkening. I eventually slip back into my dark subconscious, unaware of anything but the fading feeling of the silky sheets on my mostly bare skin. (P.O.V. JACE)

I laugh at him, "Ya I know they've fallen in love with eachother, it's a little obvious." I say laughing at him, but I soon am dumnfounded. He doubles over laughing, "you insolent fool, that's not they're secret." He gasps in between laughs. Just as he composes himself and breathes in a deep breath to tell me they're secret, a dagger shoots through his chest from behind. Someone had thrust it into his back through his heart, as the knife twists and exits, i hear Valentine gasp one last time. Taking his final breath, Valentine grasps my shirt as he falls. "Forgive me... my son." He whispers as the last of his life bleeds out of him, staining the white carpet, an inreversable maroon. A single tear falls from my eye, but that is the only tear i will cry from my adoptive father. Standing behind Valentines fallen body, cleaning a bloody knife, is Sebastian, still my doppelganger. "Hello angel boy, I see 'daddy'," he says mocking me as I had earlier to him, "was about go tell you our secret. Well I cant let him do that." Sebastian laughs as he suddenly chants low and dark words in the my direction. I feel a wind blow around me, and start to walk towards him, and my head bangs against an unseen surface. Sebastian cackles and speaks to me through the see through box, his voice crystal clear, despite the force between us. "Just for those of you...lacking.. in the gifts of dark magic, that is a mirror box, you can see us. And i can see you, but all Clary will see is a reflection of a back wall. So don't try talking or gesturing, she won't see or hear you." He states matter-of-factly as he walks towards Clary on the bed, who I realize is in nothing but a plain cotton bra, and panties. He sits at her side on the bed (STILL my doppelganger) and brushes her hair back. I can see her eyes flutter open, and i can hear her speak. "Jace?"

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