Finding Valentine

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POV: Jace
I step out of the door into the lapping waters of the lake. My hands still bleeding from smashing glass around the house. I slam the door so they can't follow me and begin walking into the lake, my eyes set on the inacurate reflection of a full moon. I walk until I "fall" into the faerie kingdom, I see Merlion and quickly hide in the vines of the wall. As he passes by i walk into the Queens throne room, i mean to speak to her. By the time I get past all the fae traps, the queen has long gone. I sigh deeply and move on, running into the depths of the kingdom, looking for it. For the passage to the demon realm. I must find Valentine, must inform him of what Clary and Sebastian are doing. After what feels like days of running, I stop at the edge of the portal. I collapse to my knees with my face in my hands. 'Should I be doing this?... what if Valentine just kills me instead of listening. what if he knows of their relationship and doesn't care?' I think all these things, and am about to turn around, when I remeber her in his arms. I remebrr her red hair splayed across HIS bed. This anger is what drives me to stand, i stand and jump into the tunnel. I tumble head over heels in the dark until I land hard on something. I hit my head and everything goes black, i know I've gone unconscious. In my unconscious mind i see Clary and her petite face. I see her in the garden, oh by the Angel, she was so beautiful, I remeber our first kiss. Then I also remeber thinking she was my sister, how terrible and wrong that felt, and then when we found out, we weren't related.... everything felt right in the world. In my dream world I see Clary sitting on a throne with Sebastian, far above me. I see her looking down at me worried, i am about to call her name when a demon with 4 whips for arms appears. Suddenly I am bound to the ground, unable to move my arms or legs. My back is exposed to the creature as it repeatedly strikes me over and over. Tearing open my flesh and causing blood to run down my back, i close my eyes in the pain. I hear a scream, i know it's Clary, she's yelling for me, i wish i could respond to her, go to her. These thought are through my head quickly, as the demon whips harder and harder. Finally the dream fades and I awake on a sandy ground, the demon realm. I sit up, finding my back in burning pain, i gasp and look back. The sand where o was laying is saturated with blood, i look at my back and it is a bloody, sandy mess. My shirt is torn open, the result of whip strikes, so part of ny dream was true. I open my eyes fully and see Valentine standing over me, a whip-armed demon by his side. "Well isn't this a pleasant surprise?" Valentine asks as he kicks me in the temple, sending me back into my dark dream world.

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