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I already saw Hebe last night and told her about my mother's task. She was laughing all the time, even though it's depressing for me. She also said she'll find me someone to play the part like he loves me and I love him.

I just don't get why we should fall in love. Falling in love doesn't turn out well. Once you get married it seems like the couple fall out of love after some years. Look at Hebe's father, Zeus, for example. He's married but he still keeps following young beautiful girls. Why do they do that? Can't they stick to one lady?

I change to a white long dress and brush my hair. The door knocked and I said come in. I turned around and saw Hebe with someone guy who has blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Seraphina meet Niall, Niall meet Seraphina."

"This is the girl?"

"Yeah, this is the girl."

"I rather fall in love with her, than act like I do." He said looking at me.

"She doesn't believe in love. Never had, and never will. I don't even know why, it's a mystery. Maybe you're lucky enough for her to tell you one day." She said, smirking.

"No one needs to know, okay?" I snap. "I don't understand your curiosity! Just drop this for once and for all!" I snap again.

"Hey, calm down, Seraphina. She was just telling me; she didn't do anything wrong." Niall said.

"I know, but this is a very touchy subject for me, and I'd rather not open. At least not right now," I sigh. "When I want to talk to someone about it, I promise you, it's going to be you." I said looking at Hebe. "And I'm sorry for snapping like that, I just- I'm sorry."

"There's no need to be sorry," She smiles. "I understand, let's just talk about you and Niall." I nod in agreement.

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